A Word About Homosexuality, Part II
That which violates an object’s functionality/intented purpose.
For some reason, I picture a kid trying to put a square block into the circle hole. Definitely violating the object’s purpose. And definitely doing nothing wrong.
Let’s cut to the chase, people like pointing out, “Hey, the penis was meant to go in the Vagina!” At which point, I’d love to retort, “Hey, do you like getting blowjobs?”
*smirks* I’m assuming we’re all smart enough to know what I mean.
So. What do we mean by function? If we mean that or bodily organs are only meant to do their obvious functions, then that limits a LOT of the things we commonly do. The liver was not meant to process alcohol. My nose was not meant to have glasses on it. Our ears were not meant to be pierced. My hands were not meant to be typing. (They really weren’t.)
As I said, that’s far too restrictive.
Isn’t it more obvious to say that the function of things is to do anything they can do? To try and use a cookie as a sidewalk is to violate it’s functionality. Cookies, sadly, do not function well as sidewalks. My hand, in addition with my penile shaft skin, functions quite well as a masturbator. And my lips and tongue, if used aptly, could function quite well in pleasuring a girl’s Area. Throw in HOTGAYSEX, and suddenly, I just don’t see what the big deal is. The anus (either male or female) can perform the function of accommodating a penis. Therefore, it functions to accommodate a penis. And if one falls back on “It wasn’t meant to ..” then that person goes back to the previous paragraph where very little we now do is functionally possible.
Our organs are multifunctional. *nods decisively*
There’s still the notion that homosexuality is wrong because it doesn’t result in children – violating our function as humans, in a way. This is easily refuted by bringing up infertile couples and sex using contraceptives. Are we to say that any sex that doesn’t result in children, like when using contraceptives, is wrong? Are we to say that any sex that can’t result in children, like when the woman has a hysterectomy, is wrong?
(Added) By the way. Anal sex feels good for the male. And I mean the one in the receiver position. Why? Prostate. If sexual activities function to bring us bodily pleasure, well. If it feels good and doesn’t hurt anybody (outside of the consenting couple), do it? Supposedly, some girls like it, but I’ll never quite understand it. (I will not talk about the concept of consent tokens in Voluntary Informed Consent here, or explain why murdering because “it feels good” is a bad idea.)
I think I’ve said enough here. I have written in my notes, “Doing something unnatural won’t hurt your chances of “survival.” After all, just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you can’t have kids the old-fashioned way, anyway, however displeasing it may be. We’re never going to just magically forget how to perpetuate the species. To say that is to imply that we’re too stupid to fuck – a condition which the human race DESERVES to become extinct from.
Ew, that’s disgusting.
Grow up, asshole.
My Sex teacher found decaf to be offensive to him. But there’s nothing wrong with drinking it. *smirks*
It is harmful to be homosexual.
“If society hates you, you’re more likely to be depressed.” – my Sex teacher
Definitely has it’s extrinsically harmful properties, but that’s all caused by society.
Did you know? Lesbians have the lowest rate of STD’s. If we should be whatever has the lowest disease rate, well gee golly, we all better be lesbians!
I’m not sure what else to say, I simply do not understand how it is harmful to the homosexual to be homosexual, by virtue of being a homosexual, beyond social stigma.
Gay men are at a great risk of STD’s, they say. Risk. Risk = bad? “Rock climbing has risk, but it isn’t morally wrong.”
Ultimately, the adversion to homosexuality some people have is alike that of the adversion to interracial dating. Let me tell you something about myself. I am interracial. (My dad’s Indian.) I never thought anything of blacks until they shoved that OMGDON’TBERACISTYOUEVILWHITIE propaganda down our throats. And by “thought anything of,” I mean, I didn’t even notice the fact that they had different color skin, the same way we don’t care about hair color or eye color. And suddenly, upon learning this social stigma, things changed. It’s the same way with homosexuality, except a good number of people are conditioned to believe homosexuals are on a lower moral plain than them. Those same people we played with on playground suddenly become the tools of satan, all because they love something heterosexuals don’t.
And a word on politics. Religions can do whatever it wants to discriminate. The US Government is to respect the rights of all religions – meaning letting them do their own things. This does NOT MEAN CEDING TO FAKE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. (I say fake, because homophobia isn’t really what chrisitanity is supposed to be about.) Freedom of and from religion.
Freedom of religions to set their own internal moral code. Freedom from religion – that no religions set their doctrine up as national law or impose on the rights of other religions. Hello, you’re not the only religion in this country. We are a secular nation, where people of all religions are supposed to be able to live together without stepping on each other’s toes too much.
Moreover, how exactly does gay marriage infringe on the rights of anybody? It does not prevent heterosexuals from going about their lives. And. Divorce rate is so high and all those other things we’ve heard before.
You know, I had this thought. I think that the gay-haters should WANT gay marriage. Why? Think about this: If homosexuals were free to choose their same-sex partners, wouldn’t they “die out”? Yes, I know how genetics are, and I know this wouldn’t happen. But would the gay-hater rather the homosexual die without reproducing, or assimilate to a heterosexual world and have children. OH NO, GAYS WITH CHILDREN. *laughs*
In conclusion, the ignorant heterosexual community needs to face that it takes it’s own rights for granted, that they don’t understand homosexuality and that creating a culture of hatemongers is the reason why it’s “bad” to be gay in the first place. That, a gene or hormone or brain structure different, I, too, could be gay.
- In Germany they came first for the Communists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me–and by that time no one was left to speak up.
— Martin Niemöller 1892-1984.
I just kinda skimmed over. Going to have to read more, I’m sure I will enjoy your diary Peace
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Gotta mention the whole “anal stimulation can feel good” (apparently) thing — if it feels good, there’s a reason for that. If it functions to make you feel good, it’s probably OK with nature. I mean, that’s why sex is supposed to feel good — if it didn’t, we probably wouldn’t want to do it so much, and the species wouldn’t continue.
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Quick question. Do you get more satisfaction writing opendiary entries,or writing papers for school?
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RYN: That reminds me, I’ve seen homosexual tendencies in cats — my own, actually. The older one has taken to humping the little one every once in a while. We asked a vet about it, and he said it’s just a dominance thing, he’ll grow out of doing it.
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Wait. Back up. You said OD, because it’s ‘practically effortless’.Did you mean enjoyment, or actual satisfaction?
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I agree with you. But the people that disagree do in fact believe that sex is strictly for reproduction. The Catholic church will not marry a couple that is known to be infertile or unwilling to have children. They condemn any form of birth control but abstinence. As I think more and more about the influence of religion on our society, I understand John Lennon’s “Imagine” more and more.
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A lot of people argue against gay marriage because of the tax benefits…they see themselves as subsidizing the “impure” relationships. That’s invalid, though, because single people pay taxes and are forced to subsidize heterosexual marriages, despite the fact that they aren’t married…
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I visit your diary often and never leave a note because you get so many I feel i would be wasting your time but, you are… i think amazing is the word I want to use, I always look foward to reading what you have to write although some of the long entries late at night get skimmed, so keep up the good writing and feel free if you ever need and immature reading to visit my diary XxX
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Hetronormativity is a privilage, institutions drill this into society, e.g. IVF hetrosexual privalige, Marrige hetro priv, adoption hetro priv, aquiring residency hetro priv for hetro couples and the list goes… socially it’s ingrained in every way, advertising, media, education, tv, and so forth. Essentially is it really about how we”think”about sex?Or is it really about violating gender norms?
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*nods* I’m one of the smart ones!! 🙂 People who say anal sex isn’t pleasurable are either lying, doing it wrong or haven’t tried it!
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This is a thorough and comprehensive argument supporting homosexuality. May I print out your reasoning for use in my local Church? Thank you.
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*applauds* Timmy, you are my hero. I’m so going to print this and leave it where my homophobic mother will ‘stumble’ across it. I wish more people were educated. And, you make me want cookies. Damn you.
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*nods* Yes siree bob. <3
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This was an amzingly well written entry. I was once a christian, now I just say I am a believer. If I say I am christian, then I automatically lump myself in with all the folks who shout the Old Testament in people’s faces. According to the OT, I am going to Hell anyway. I was not a virgin when I married, and I have been married twice, which made me an adulterer. I have a whole list of sins
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that, according to the christian belief system, will send me to hell in a handbasket, but hate will never be one of them. Some of the best humans I have ever met were/are gay. Some are deceased and the world is a sadder place because of it. I liked the way you wrote this entry & hope it makes some people think hard about their beliefs. 8)
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One more thing…in addition to believing in Christ, I also believe that God gave nature great power for us to use and learn from. Most of the world has blinders on where this is concerned though.
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This is the best, most logical, comprehensive argument for gay marriage that I’ve ever seen on here. Bravo!!!
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i enjoyed these past 2 entries very much. i often find myself engaged in arguments on this subject (usually with my father) and i can never seem to come up with an argument as strong as yours to convince him (he thinks he knows everything by the way). anyway, your argument was well-stated and you made me think about some things ive never thought about (cont)xo
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so anyway, i just wanted to thank you for these entries. i’ll keep them in mind for the future. sorry to sound like i’m praising you so much.. i know you’re not too fond of me.. yet 😛 but maybe i’ll talk to you soon.xo
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“Rock climbing has risk, but it isn’t morally wrong.” — haha that’s such a good phrase ;o) ::claps:: I loved this entry..
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“Moreover, how exactly does gay marriage infringe on the rights of anybody? It does not prevent heterosexuals from going about their lives.” That is EXACTLY what I want to know!
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Very inciteful piece. Enjoyed reading it as I do reading most of your entries. Homophobia and pure ignorance tends to anger me more then anything. I mean really they should just ignore it or something. Pfft. And as for lesbians having the lowest std rates, that was intresting [smirks]. Huzzah I love being bisexual. Great entry heh.
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Nice quote. Good “Essay”.
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I knew there was a reason I had you on my favorite list. Now I remember why. No I don’t. Now I have new reasons. Intelligent, logical, questioning and probably many other things I admire in a person.
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*blink* I think I love you.
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