The weather is really spring like now at the Jersey shore. In other words, unsettled. Today started with a gorgeous sunrise and ended cloudy and cold. Everyone is running around with colds and various ailments caused by the fluctuations of the weather. So far I have been lucky but yesterday my son had to go home early because he had an upset stomach and a fever. I am thinking of burning him to kill the germs.

A friend sent me an E Mail with an attachment of E Mail symbols. A lot of them are On Line Talk abbreviations that I am familiar with and some are highly creative e-moticons. If Katherine reads this how about ( * ) ( * ) as one she might enjoy. My eleven year old Granddaughter was OL so I IM ed her and she was amazed I understood and could use On Line Talk. This was before the symbol list came to me and she and I chat at length OL. I wish I could type that fast and accurately but how fast can two fingers go. Today was a nice day without any roller coaster ride and I need days like this often. It is like recharging a battery to give me some time for myself and to look inside myself. If the weather changes for the better tomorrow I would like to go for a beach walk. While on the beach and viewing the ocean and listening to the sound of the surf I am able to place myself in prospective and deflate my ego. This is when I can meditate. To me prayer is talking to God: meditation is listening to God. I need both. I do have a speaking commitment for my AA group tomorrow night and that also helps me focus on my priorities. I never forget to thank my Higher Power for providing me with so much happiness. If God have given me what I deserved I would be in deep trouble

Today 75%

Time for (__)D

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Isn’t it wonderful that God doesn’t judge us as harshly as we judge ourselves??? Love and Hugs from [Skyelady]

Katherine did read and smiled. We feel the same about the surf..egos deflated and perspective about our tiny selves. Thanks for being you and here for me. [Katherine]