Hello everybody, my name is Thomas and I am an alcoholic. That is how I began tonight, as I stood at the Podium looking out at a room full of people. There were my children, my wife and my mother-in-law for starters. My sponsor was there as well as friends from other meeting. The beloved members of my home group that have become an extended family to me. One woman who just recently celebrated 50 years at this same podium was sitting there smiling and wishing me well. There were the other celebrants and their family members, four others this year. The room was full of miracles.

Tonight was one for me to explain that the fact I have been sober 10 years is of little consequence except that it demonstrates the fact that the AA program works. I know a few of the newcomers there and their struggles. The are people who are residents of a re-hab who need the structured long term care that is provided. We have a common ground, alcoholism and a common desire, recovery. I explain that tonight is not a graduation as we cannot graduate because this disease is chronic and cannot be cured. Tonight all I can do is tell the people attending that the program works miracles if you work the program. Please don’t leave before the miracle occurs. No matter what life puts into my path I no longer have to be alone. I have a Higher Power and a program.

There are people in the community of the OD who can identify about the disease because they share it with me. I have been encouraged by the wisdom of Living Lightly and the resolve of Katherine. Bless you and all the others who have left me the encouragement and well wishes. If you have the disease or think you do things can get better. I never thought at the beginning that I would view having alcoholism as a promotion. Before then I was just a damned drunk. No hope: no future no me. Now I am an alcoholic and as long as I follow a few simple suggestions, Don’t drink and go to meetings, I can live a normal happy life. It is that easy since I do not have to fight any longer. I asked a man tonight how he managed to get 28 years in the program. His words are so true, “I didn’t drink and I didn’t die.”

Now lets cut the celebration cake. There is enough for everyone.

Tonight 89.5%

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Yea cake! I’m starving. Thanks for sharing your anniversary with us, ThomaS. Hope we are here celebrating together again next year (one day at a time). Peace — LL

I got “goosebumps” reading this, ThomaS. I want what you have. Pray with me that God will give me the willingness. Congratulations, my dear ThomaS. Katherine

ThomaS, I added to my last entry, hoping you can re-check:) Silent support – FreedomGrrl
