CHROME CAST****************

     Saturday the AA Meeting was only 50 % of capacity. The blame mostly rests on the aftermath of the snow & ice storms of Thursday and Friday and the brutal low temperatures. After the meeting I did food shopping. When I got home my son Robert was finishing up snow blowing my house clear and I went with him to do the same at my other son Tom’s house.
     Football took up a lot of the rest of the day expect for 1 ½ hours with a Customer Service Rep who helped me with a problem with my printer. It wouldn’t print.
      Doris and I went for dinner rather late and then to the 10 pm showing of the Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Not much drama to it but National Graphic quality graphics in the scenery of the various places he visited. Coming home from her house about 130 am I was stopped by the police in a random stop for swerving out of my lane. I showed him how it was to avoid plowed snow in the lane and after a credential check I was free to go. I really think he had been looking for evidence of DWI but I had none of the signs or scents.
     Sunday early was devoted to house cleaning and then off to Staples to purchase Google Chrome for my TV/Computer. I followed directions and installed it with the end result that my TV no longer shows any programing except a slide show of photographs. Somehow I do not feel that this is the desired end result so after work tonight I will investigate.

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January 6, 2014

What, you didn’t pay for Google Chrome to turn your TV into an exclusive photo flip book?


i hate to download things since something else always always goes on the fritz when i do.

January 7, 2014

LOLOL…oh, that’s really good. I’m so sorry.

January 7, 2014

“Google” Google Chrome…:)

January 7, 2014

Well, I hope they are nice photos you will enjoy watching slide by while you miss all your football games. *snort* Sorry; I couldn’t help it.

January 11, 2014

most DUI stops are for “stupid” things—such as not signaling when changing lanes, going too slow, not usually swerving, still……