Elvis and a bit of cerritulus supellectilem

Today is Elvis’s birthday. I always remember this bc I’m a huge fan. I was just a tot when he died, but grew up on his music. I had a thing for him. He had that magnetic charm. So, happy heavenly birthday Elvis Aron Presley!! God rest your soul. ♥
About that bit of Latin, I just wanted to segue into my other topics… oh! Before I do, y’all gotta meet the ONLY Elvis impersonator (who also happens to be an Anglican archbishop!) I will tolerate… Dorian Baxter!!!
I know him personally.
Anyways, uhhh… where was I?? Oh yeah. Today was a good day, very zombified but good none the less? I spent a good chunk trying to install the Sims 4… which is a royal pain in the bum… but hey?
I ended up doing it though, thank the Lord. In fact, it’s about 64% done. I was playing the Sims 2 also but it lagged due to the install, but it’s all good! I want to download Steam and get Life By You. That should be interesting to say the least.
Oh and also it be David Bowie’s bday. Have my favorite songs by each performer.
If you have a 3DS, play it on the lowest, slowest mode in the music app. First off, you need to convert the mp3 to .aac format and then plonk it on your player…. Lord love a duck, effin’ hilarious!! It’s a bit like playing a 45 at the slowest speed… waith the pitch very low. I’m not ruining the surprise. If you know, you know!!
Good times, and yes, I am that weird!
I digress though…
Tomorrow I have my bath and diddly-squat else. Maybe, the WOW group will show, maybe my worker will too. I doubt it though very much, most likely to be Zoom meetings… Andrea couldn’t come in today also…
Anyways, have yourselves a kick@$$ Monday night, even though…
Sammi, this is hilarious! You gave me a huge giggle, with your Anglican archbishop who’s also an Elvis impersonator!!!
@darkmadonna XDXDXD He’s the real deal!!! LOL
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