Baby it’s FREAKING cold out…

I seem to have caught C’s cold which is absolutely wonderful (NOT!) so I have to stay in my room — a freezing cold room at that, for the entire day… which I reckon is ok by me, if it weren’t so bleeding cold, that is. Holy mackinaw! How the fuck do people expect me to get well, in a room that matches the weather outside. (-11C or 12F) Ugh. The reason it mirrors the outside is cos there isn’t any insulation in this room. So, Julz and I swing from one extreme to another. Seriously!

TBH, I hate this room. It sucks…

Today I had to wrangle with Apple to get my iCloud working, on the app store? I have to use my old iCloud addy bc the other one I have didn’t want to co-operate with me. Grr…. whatevs. I’m getting a new addy when I get my new iPad. Apple sure likes to dick their users about, and I thought MS was shitty. 😮

Enough ranting, I need to get under the comforter and sleep away this cold. Wish me luck.


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January 16, 2024

OH, No. Poor Sammy. Get well soon!

January 16, 2024
January 16, 2024

feel better gorgeous lady!

January 16, 2024
