Anyways… Toulouse-Lautrec.

That’s Min Yoongi or Suga or Agust D as he is known as in some circles. He is my bias in BTS. That and Jimin!
Are they not so cute af?? I’m listening to Blue Öyster Cult’s “Don’t Fear the Reaper” bc I like that song. It’s a bit creepy but that is how I like things as you know…
I am still coughing up a bit of phlegm and my nose is *still* running… but otherwise I feel good babes. I need to get more tp for my nose but that I can get easily.
So, last night, I had enough of Win 11 lagging terribly, so I’m back to Win 10 and it suits me just fine. No lagging at all. Thank God for that. *smiles upwardly* Now if He would only heal my cold. One thing at a time eh?
What are all of you up to these days? February is Julz’s bday and I have to pitch in about $13 (Bees is footing the other thirteen) for her cake, and I’m getting her a new water bottle bc the other broke. This new one is 2000ml so, it’s gonna be massive. I’m getting myself one too, and Bees as well. Mom says drinking water is key. Key to good health, key to losing weight, staying hydrated is key too. After all we are like 90% water??
So, and I’m ordering another pair of boots for myself bc Bees’ old ones don’t fit her and my new ones that I got off Amazon are the right size and width… so, I gave her them. Mine will be the same as hers. But I am keeping mine in my room.
Although the snow seems to be melting… we are supposed to get another snowstorm or two next week… so that is just lovely. The rest of the money is being shuffled into the iPad fund.
If in April, I don’t have the $$$ I will wait for May or June. But. I am pretty sure that I will have the cash.
We are having tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch and spagbol for dinner. Yum!
I want to watch Killers of the Flower Moon bc I adore Leonardo DiCaprio. I have ever since 1990. We are the same age. I am a few months older but… and I’m well aware of his preferences when it comes to women, but I can dream right?
He is just the bees knees. I have (I think) a whole pinte coret board devoted to him.
God, this song is catchy! Ha! Yesterday, apparently it was also Janis Joplin’s bday too. My b wirthmom loves her. I think she saw her in concert a few years before I was born. My friend Corinna looks exactly like her (Janis not mom)…
I don’t know what I’d do if I was to meet my doppelganger. Probably freak out. Think it could be a skinwalker or something?
I really don’t get identical twins, but I know that Vicki @happyathome is one.
Anyways, I need to go use the loo.
One of my workmates is ALL ABOUT Suga. They also like some of the ones from stray kids (I’m 100 years old and don’t know who is who). Do you know who Changbin is? I was teasing them and called him “Coinbag” and now there is a framed photo on Changbin above my desk at work. LOL!
@drama Yummy!
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That’s one of my all time favorite songs and I love Burning for You by them too.
Glas you’re feeling better, hopefully the nose stops running soon!
Yes, Janis and Edgar share a birthday. I’m reminded every year because of my Facebook memories. There are few celebrity things I celebrate annually.
@ostara I love BOC.
They rock.
Thank v you love, the nose has stopped it’s kvetching.. I love Edgar. ♥ I was unaware of Janis’s bday. I wish she was alive still. 
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