
 Let’s get the low down…

Who is he/How did we meet: 
A co-worker of mine knows him. She is like a mom to him since his parents moved to North Carolina and he lives with his grandfather. So it was kind of like a "set up". 

The details: 
He’s 23, so same age as me. He’s not my "typical type", but then again i don’t really have a type. But normally i like anywhere from the scene guy, to the redneck, the hipster, the gym rat, whatever. 🙂 haha. Travis is sort of a redneck which is totally fine, yet i’m not really attracted to him. He is totally sweet, totally nice, and awesome…just NOT FOR ME.

The back story: 
Earlier this year he was over at my co-workers house and she was on Facebook and he saw my picture and was all "wow, she is really pretty, who is she" and so he friend requested me and started messaging me and wanted to go out on a date etc etc. He had actually just gotten out of a relationship (an engagement really) so i was all "umm, i’m really only interested in friendship sooooo" and we never hung out. Then he started messaging me again recently and i was trying to be nice and talked back. I then went to a movie with my co-worker and travis was there with of coarse the only seat open next to him. Nothing happened 🙂 Afterwards (like a day or so) i get a message from him asking me out. I avoided it for a few days but then started to have a thought. I dont want to shut a door if the Lord is trying to open it. So i decided, sure why not, what is one date…

The "date":
So we decided to get coffee at our local barns and noble and get to know each other better. I personally like the whole "dinner and a movie" traditional date but i LOVE the not so "normal date" stuff (like coffee, picnics, art galleries, museum walks, book stores, parks, etc [and now you have tons of ideas]). So we got some coffee and went and sat in some of the book isles in the back of the store, a. because its more fun and b. there were no seats open 🙂 haha. 
Let me preface by saying that Travis is a super sweet guy, ok now that that is over…it was horrible. Honestly it was like a 2 hour long talk fest where i barely got in two words edge wise. *gasp* I KNOW, i’m a talker, a HUGE talker and i would try to say something and get like 3 sentences out and then he would kind of take back over the conversation and find a way to turn what i had just said around and make it about himself. He talked ALL ABOUT HIMSELF! All about his last relationship, i mean on and on and on and on about it. How vindictive the girl was, how controlling, etc etc i was like "i get it man she was a bad girlfriend" and then he would talk about how he was the team captain of football while he was in high school (neat! High school accomplishments don’t really impress me lol), about how much he can bench press, about how sensitive he is, about how good of a boyfriend he is…yada yada. 
I had made a point and continued to make a point that i really didn’t see this as a "date" more so as two friends getting to know each other. Yet, he kept saying "well if we get together, if we start dating, if we, if we, if we…" AHHHHH shush it up man. 
THEN here is the kicker, i mean the KICKER….
So at one point (now remember this is Sunday this is all going down), he was like i want to be honest and upfront, last night (sat night) i did hang out with another girl (dude i appreciate the honesty) i just don’t want you to be upset (oh trust me i wasn’t!) and he continued to tell me how much this girl liked him and how she was saying how she had been waiting for him to get out of a relationships bla bla bla and it really did sound like they hit it off. I was trying to save myself and i was like "Travis it sounds like this girl really likes you and is trying to pursue you i dont think you should just shut this out" and he was like "well, not to freak you out or anything but it scares me that it went so well last night because i really have eyes for you and want to pursue you" YIKES!!! and i was like "ummm…ok…but it sounds like this girl made you have butterflies!" and he was liek "well yeah, i was super nervous with her and it was awesome and i totally had those butterfly feelings again that i’ve been missing….but i’m even more nervous sitting here with you" the whole time you guys he was stuttering. I dont know if he has had a speech impediment before (i have) but i was liek wow i must be making this kid nervous….i was seriously like "dude, i am totally not as awesome as you are building me up to be, i promise" and then he tells me… that he showed her a picture of me!!!! WHAT THE HECK??!?!?!?! and hten he showed me a picture of her and said "i mean, if we (meaning me and him) don’t work can we still be friends and then like we can all go hang out together"….and then was all "you’re so beautiful, you deserve the best…" eek…umm thanks, and super flattering…but like "eek eek eek" with a knife almost. 🙂 haha
i felt like i was in the dang twilight zone!!! 
All of this to say it ended and i was singing hallelujah!! weirdest moment of my life. I will most definitely not be "pursuing a relationship" with this guy. Man…wow. I txted maria during it and was like "kill me". 
IT WAS nice to know that i’m not horrible, or ugly, or anything like that and that SOMEONE is slightly interested in me; even if that said someone is slightly stalker status. 

I was talking to maria last night about eharmony & She has an account on eharmony and is keeping an open mind. I’m not sure where i am on it. I’m not weirded out by it or anything, i just dont know if its for me. I’ve done the "meet someone off the internet deal" it just didn’t happen to be a dating site, it was this site, yay xanga. I dont know if i want to attempt another long distance relationship. I wouldn’t say "it isn’t worth it" because that isn’t really fair to the other person and honestly that would be putting what God can do out of the equation which isn’t right. I’m just going to pray about it and see where God leads ya know. 

So quick story. These two boys used to live in my neighborhood while we were growing up. Ashlee & myself used to hang out with them ALL THE TIME we were like tied at the hips. 🙂 Their names were johnnie and jarrod and they were super sweet. Johnnie was the "bad boy one" haha and the older one, jarrod was younger and more of the "friend type" haha. I really wasn’t into either of htem but ashlee was all about some johnnie. So…they ended up moving away when we were like 9 and we haven’t heard from them since (or been able to find them on facebook and trust me we have been stalking fb like crazy). About 2 weeks ago i get a friend request a

nd a personal message that said "Hey, not sure if you remember me but we grew up together in your neighborhood" and it was Jarrod!!! WHAT?!?! 
I almost crapped my pants! First of all how awesome is that. Well of coarse i accepted his friend request and then added johnnie and told ashlee so she could do front flips. Me and jarrod have been messaging back and forth (he actually just turned either 21 or 22. So we’ve been catching up and he actually sent me a message today that said "so here is my number if you want to txt me"

What what…holla 

haha ok just kidding 🙂

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October 24, 2011

Woooooooooooow Dodged a bullet w/that first guy. Holy crap!

October 24, 2011

Um, wow. That’s a bit weird, isn’t it?

October 25, 2011

So glad you ditched Travis he seems a bit full of himself…really.

October 25, 2011

Take it as a gift from God. He’s just reassuring you that you ARE wonderful! He has a plan for you, and though it’s not this guy, it’s something way better! hehe yay for getting numbers from boys! 🙂 I love when you reconnect and it’s kinda exciting.

October 28, 2011

Well, Travis certainly turned out to be interesting. lol