Speak & Silence

 Sometimes you just need to speak.

Speak out into the chaos.
Speak out on what is weighing you down. 
Speak out to offer love.
Speak out to just be heard. 

Other times you just need to embrace the silence

Embrace the moments of stillness.
Embrace your emotions.
Embrace everything pouring out of your heart.
Embrace the empty echo.

I find that in these completely conflicting moments, speaking and silence, i learn more about myself.  When i’m faced with moments of true solitude and freeing reflection, my senses are heightened and i can finally face the thoughts that have been fighting to get out. 

The stretching linen that encircles my legs.
The sharp and dull pings of rain hitting the roof.
The rhythmic breathing escaping my lungs.  
The deafening darkness that encapsulates my room. 
The knots that form in my hair from tossing in my sleep.

I find freedom.

I’m able to be fully present with my struggles, with my joys, my pain, my love, my day dreams, my hopes, my regrets, my future, my past, my sins, my triumphs…all of it

I’m not longer afraid. There is a courage you gather in the darkness…a courage to fight and to move past the struggles; to win.

In those moments between reality and dreaming, silence and speaking…i wage war.<br style="padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;

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I fight for love, for pain, for freedom, redemption, hope, and security. 

The whisper of closing eyelashes.
The weakening of muscles.
The comfortable weight that settles over me.
The small tug at the edges of my lips.

It is the final battle cry. The moment where i will not remember if the battle was won or lost; the moment that doesn’t really matter.

Because moments are seperated with two distinctions: speaking and silence

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February 14, 2013

love this!

I saw you on the front page…I loved this purley enjoyed it..wow you said so much with your words..put together to have a profound meaning to us who read it. Thanks

February 15, 2013

Beautiful 🙂