So ill go…

 Genuinely i need my glasses like now. My eyes have gotten progressively worse over the last few weeks and i feel like i’m getting daily headaches and tension. Words are blurry and hard to read and i’m struggling to keep my eyes open and working. Oh well, hopefully they will be in soon! 🙂 I still need to get fitted for contacts. 
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Today has been beautiful here! a high of like 82 and beautiful breezes. It was actually enjoyable to be outside and go for a stroll. I’m currently sitting on the back porch while writing this before heading over to my grandmas for a little bit. I just noticed that i splattered paint (acrylic) all over the screens on my back porch….woops. They are this special tinted plastic screens and apparently can only be cleaned with woolite so i need to get some of that PRONTO haha. Oh well, story of my life right? 🙂
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I know i still need to take pictures of the rooms i’ve made progress in. One day i will! 🙂 & while i’m at it i’ll post pictures of the front door color contenders. 🙂
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So….now onto a little thinking. 
I find something extremely peaceful and beautiful about walking through a cemetery. 
weird, sure i know. =)
I find that it quiets my spirit and allows my mind to completely decompress. There is something ironically haunting about reading the tombstones of those who have passed from this life into the next. It is a humbling experience.Today i walked through the cemetery that is located right next to the building i work in. Graves are there from the 1700s and it is beautiful to walk by and see what people decided to put on the graves of those who had passed on before them. I very rarely walk through cemeteries with company. It is something that i find i enjoy to do alone, to reflect, to pay respects not only to the dead that are present but to remember my parents. That being said i very rarely go and visit my parents graves, and even more rarely do i take someone out to see them. I know my parents do not reside in that ground…i know that their souls are resting in the presence of Jesus, and i know that for a blessed fact, Praise God. 
I dont know why i’m on the topic of cemeteries..maybe its because i walked through one today, maybe i remember times i’ve visited my parents, maybe i remember cold days in december in Indiana. I dont know honestly but its there… 
I sometimes find myself praying for the families who have lost someone, i find myself laughing and remembering things my parents did or said. To me its just a beautiful time spent walking. 🙂 

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Owning a house is hard. 
Paying all of these bills by myself is scary. Electric, Water, Internet/phone, Cell Phone, Car Insurance (2 cars), Home owners insurance, Home Taxes, gas, groceries, Life Insurance, etc. Its very humbling. 
On top of that my yard looks like jurassic park. I already need to cut the back yard again and dont even get me started on the front and side yard. UGH. The Storm yesterday split my dogwood on the side of my house in half and the only part still standing is the dead part, lovely. My dad planted that tree….
See the crazy tall grass that is screaming for velociraptors to come galavant around? 
We have still yet to get the kitchen, laundry and computer room floors ripped up and tile laid down and it needs to happen pronto b/c those floors are getting worse by the day. There are so many updates and things i want to do (you obviously saw my list haha) that it is slightly overwhelming. I dont know how to do a ton of it, like freaking hanging a curtain rode properly but i will figure it out. 
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Ok there is my update for now. Pictures will be coming soon 🙂 

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September 7, 2011

You’re not alone I like going through cemeteries too. I hate contacts lol I tried them once and it just didn’t work out lol hope you have better luck with them 🙂 And reading your list of bills overwhelmed me…phew

September 13, 2011

I find cemetary’s peaceful..I lik walking through them. as long as i’m not there for a funeral of course!