
 I haven’t been THIS SICK in a long, long time. I’ve been up since 2am with a lovely virus that has done absolutely horrific things to my peace of mind. 
I’m so thankful to have a roommate and a brother who take care of me. The Broseph came in after i had thrown up a few times and gave me a shoulder rub and talked to me….sweet boy. Maria went out this morning to pick up pedialight and ginger ail. i want to drink ALL OF IT in one huge gulp…but i’ve learned that is counter-productive. I am so thirsty, so drained, so incredibly stir-crazy it is not even funny. 
I have been quarantined to my room, more specifically my bed. I actually walked out earlier holding two glasses and maria’s eyes bugged out, and she pointed towards my bedroom and said "QUARANTINED!". If you know me at all, you know that laying in a bed all. day. long. is not my personality at all. There is only so much i can do: get on the internet, read, sleep, mull around, throw up…i mean really? loads of fun this Sunday i tell ya! 
Tomorrow hopefully i can move out to the den and watch some tv…thats the plan at least. 
So there is my update….when i haven’t written in God knows how long. 
I’m sick, really sick, haven’t been this sick in a long time, and i’m attempting to not lose my mind staring at the walls in my bedroom.

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December 16, 2012

Aaaaaaw, throwing up sick is the worst kind of sick. I hope you get better really soon! I would hate being quarrantined to my bedroom; whenever I’m sick, the last place I want to be is in my bed. I prefer to camp out on the couch! *hugs* xxx

December 16, 2012

I’m so sorry to hear that you’re sick!!! Praying for a quick recovery! <3

December 18, 2012

Awwww I’m glad you have people taking such good care of you. Hope the next entry sees you feeling all better again 🙂 God bless.