

I was listening to WAYFM the other day and Wally mentioned this spiritual assessment that he took that was completely different from anything he has ever done. It is called “Monvee” (you can take yours here: ) It goes through and tells you your conversation style, worship style, the good qualities you have as well as the bad and which Biblical Character you most resemble. It is SUPER easy to take and doesn’t take a lot of time at all.
I took my assessment yesterday and got my results today and I am BLOWN AWAY….the results are me to an absolute ‘T’
Maybe this will help to better explain why I am the way I am haha….enjoy.
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You are energetic, exuberant, outspoken, and fast-paced.
You tend to be a highly visionary and innovative leader.
You are helpful and supportive.
You are decisive, organized, and persevering.
You are dynamic, resourceful, strong and persistent. People appreciate your strength and self-confidence – especially in a crisis. A natural leader, you are decisive, practical and protective. You seek to control your circumstances and surroundings and people respond to your direction. You value self-reliance and avoid appearing weak or vulnerable. You strive to maintain control of your life.

Self-preservation and protection are two of your key motivators. You expect others to appreciate their efforts and to show that through cooperation with your plans. You fear rejection and protect the side of you that, surprisingly to others, can be easily hurt. You love taking charge of a situation and meeting any challenge. You will fight for what you believe is right and will not tolerate feeling used by someone for his or her gain. You pride yourself on being honest and direct, and some would say you confront people easily and effectively. You have always had a great deal of willpower, and making tough decisions seems to come easy for you.
The best of you:
You are indignant and discontent with injustice. Therefore, you use your strength to defend those who are weak or can’t act on their own behalf. Your strong work ethic is inspiring to people who see you tackle large issues that intimidate others and you frequently seek creative solutions to old problems. You are compassionate and seek to honor those you love. You are very aware of what people think of you but you usually don’t let that get in the way of doing and saying what you believe in. You love to promote people, to provide for others, and to provide opportunities.
The other side of you:
God has wired you with resilience and independence but this can also be something that causes problems for you because you can be careless for your body, mind, or soul. The urgent of the present can encourage you to sacrifice the future in terms of health and relationships. Your higher energy level can sometimes cause you to set unrealistic expectations for your followers. They in turn may choose to stop following or continue to follow but at an unreasonable cost to themselves. Because you hide vulnerability, other’s can wrongfully presume that you can’t be hurt and be careless with or ignore your feelings. Some see you as fearless; however, you do have fears of losing control or of being removed from your position of leadership, strength, and power.
What may be in the way of your growth:
Misplaced Desires
You have the tendency to be lured by unhealthy or misplaced desires. Your commitment to passionate hard work can often times lead you to a place of emotional and mental emptiness where temptation can grow strongest. Because of your intense resolve, you often won’t notice that you’re “on empty” until it is too late. You may decide to do something in a moment of weakness that causes a sense of shame that can be inhibitive to your spiritual growth. “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there.” –Galatians 5:24
A Biblical character like you:
The Bible records that Samson was a judge, meaning that he wielded authority and was regarded as a leader. He also had greater than average physical strength. Outraged by the domination of his people by foreigners he set about making the situation right at great personal cost. HE was courageous, smart and selfless in many ways. His success brought encouragement and deliverance for many. However, he acted alone much of the time and was first attracted and later betrayed by his passions. God ultimately redeemed his humiliation and caused his final victory over his enemies to be his greatest. Learn to work in community and to accept the care and wisdom of those around you. Remember to be a servant leader and do not get carried away by your own plans.
Personal growth recommendations:
Learn to yield, seek humility.
It goes against your intuition, but learning to yield to other people is key to your growth. This doesn’t mean you should allow yourself to be a doormat, or to ignore injustice, it is merely an invitation to flex, to enact restraint, to allow for others to have a say. Leadership is looking at situations and making decisions. It is also knowing what you don’t know and getting input from others. Yielding is not just about learning to yield to others, but to also yield to the Holy Spirit.

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October 7, 2011

Love this! I’m bored at work so I think I’ll do this too!

October 7, 2011

This is awesome! I’m gonna find it in google and see what it says about me.

October 7, 2011

oh you gave a link… k no google then 😛 haha I’m so smrt.

October 12, 2011

Awesome, I’m going to do it!

I want to read more of your diary, but all of the different colors and varying font sizes are a little rough on the eyes (and I’m in my 20’s)!!