
I completely have Adele’s "Set Fire To The Rain" SCREAMING in my mind right now. 🙂
Apparently i’m a little frustrated haha.

A lot of things from my past have just been popping up in my mind lately…so its been an interesting day in my head.



I haven’t done this in a while, so i thought i would give it a go for the weekend.


Ask me any question, and i’ll guarentee you an answer. 🙂

Ready, GO.

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where are you?

January 20, 2012

What is your favourite colour? What is your earliest memory? How did you find Christ? Where do you see yourself in five years time? If you were a punctuation mark, what would you be and why? What are your top 5 current favourite bands?

January 20, 2012

Whats your weight? whats your height? what products do you use for your skin cause its always glowing ^_^?how scary is this world for you?favorite cartoon as a child and still is? favorite music video nowadays? picture in your favorite clothes?

January 23, 2012

If God said to you “You can choose one person who is a sinner and hasn’t accepted me to come to heaven with you, no questions asked, and no stipulations.” Who would you choose? At this moment, if money and time and commitment was no issue and you could do whatever you wanted and be wherever you wanted with whoever you wanted… where would you be, with who, doing what?

January 27, 2012

What is the craziest thing you have ever done in life? What is the best country that you have travelled to & why? Who is your absolute favourite character? Do you like Disney? If so, what are your favourite Disney classics? Have you ever done drugs? If so, which ones? What is your opinion on the Devil? Do you believe in Evolution? Do you like musical theatre? If so, which musicals? Hm.. That is all I can think of right now ^^