
I suck at updating lately.
I think its because my mind is in 1,000,000 different directions. 
Such is the story of every woman. 
I’ve sucked even more at reading entries/commenting…please accept my apologies. 
. . .
The truth is…my life has entered into a whole different level of busy. 
Here is the run-down of my week [after working 830-5 monday-friday mind you, so you’re seeing the afterhours]. 
Mondays…chill or doing cross-training. 
Tuesdays…short runs with the trainers.
Wednesdays…leading small group at youth group[45+ minutes away], and then staying afterwards/taking students home. 
Thursdays…Bible Study with my core girlfriends. 
Fridays…hang out, do house work (cleaning, etc), visit a friend, or more cross-training 
Saturdays…6am long runs, then doing whatever i need to get done for the weekend. 
Sundays…church, etc. 
I have not included my other running times that i have to do during the week now, or the 6am swimming i’ve started doing now that the pool has opened. 
So yeah…i’m busy. 
. . .
I had a horrible headache that started yesterday afternoon and lasted until just about 30 minutes ago. It stunk and made me feel horrible and that was absolutely no fun. 
. . .
I’m actually happy/content with where i am in life right now…there is always room for growth and there are a few areas that i could see God moving me to, but you never know. I’ve got an amazing group of friends who support, encourage, and keep me accountable. I’ve got a steady job that allows me to pay my bills, and i have a home that gives me shelter. 
God has been fantastic with me. He is allowing me to break down with Him, sort through some junk, and He is rebuilding me. 
I’m comfortable being single…sure i desire a relationship, but i’m also enjoying not having that connection and being able to invest in other things. 
. . .
That’s really all i’ve got right now. Hopefully i’ll start posting more…i know i will, i just need to make myself sit down and do it. 

how are all of you?

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I always find it amusing that people feel the need to group up to study the bible. As if you need each other to help reinforce the belief that all that nonsense is true.-SS

May 30, 2012

Being in a relationship EATS YOUR TIME LIKE A TIME EATING MONSTER! You are so busy… do all you can for God as a single person now! It seems you are using your time wisely, and you may be touching lives now that you wouldn’t be able to touch if you were in a relationship. God bless my friend!

May 30, 2012

And to the above random anon noter… it’s like a study group at school. You don’t NEED the group to study, but you can learn more and more effectively when you study together… bounce ideas off of one another, keep each other on topic… growing together is not a bad thing.

May 31, 2012

I agree with Quinn on the anon noter comment. Actually both of her notes, really. Good to hear from you though! I hope you are still managing to look after yourself, sweetpea! xx