“love your plus size body” crap

Hi. Hello…it’s been a while hasn’t it. I often find myself setting these goals and sticking with them, for an hour, maybe two days and at max a week. I get these grand ideas and feel all #motivated and then when it comes time to put it to action I eat two and a half bagels with cream cheese…and peanut butter. Man, I sure know how to eat well.

I was talking to a great friend of mine last night about how this whole “love your plus size body always” trend is making me want to throw a rock through the window.

Hear me out…

I’m “plus size”…I’m a big girl. I’m over 200lbs, I can sometimes (barely) squeeze into an 18 at target (fit 3 rocks) and I’m a 16/18 in Torrid’s sizes. I measured my lower hip area the other night…yeah 50 inches. Do you have any idea how long that is? It’s ridiculous.
Anyways…so I GET the fact that big girls just want some love too. Listen, I am ALL FOR carrying big girl sizes in normal stores that are actually fashionable and not something my grandma would wear. I’d love to have a pair of jeans that didn’t make me feel horrible about myself because they were labeled “stretchy” or “elastic”…really elastic jeans (yes they make them). I think that just because “big isn’t runway material” doesn’t mean that we should have to suffer with ugly clothing. Listen a lot of us big girls already struggle with not fully liking ourselves, at least with the option of stylish clothes (that aren’t insanely priced) it might give us some form of a boost of confidence.
Now that I have said all of that…let me get to the rock throwing feelings.
I do not love my body, queue the gasp…I know. But let me get something across…I do love what is inside of my body. I have my moments where I’m not pleased with some of my characteristics and I work on changing them (don’t we all). Ok…so yes I do not love my body. Honestly though, why would I? Why should I?
Why would I love something that is going to put me in the grave earlier?
Why would I love something that holds me back from activities and true desires?
Why would I love something that makes me daily feel sad and depressed?
That would be like me telling you to stay with and love the boyfriend/girlfriend who abuses drugs and treats you like crap.
 It isn’t healthy.
I will not love something that is killing me.
Yet I do nothing to stop it.
I will not buy into this “movement” that is telling me that as a big girl I should “flaunt what I’ve got” and “love yourself fully”. No I will not.
I want to be FIT.
I want to be HEALTHY.
As a result of those two things it will make me thinner.
Let me ask you this “movement” believers…What is so wrong with that?
What is wrong with wanting to be fit, healthy, and thinner? What is wrong with the process of getting yourself there as long as it is done in a healthy way? 
The way I see it the process can help you become more confident, feel more #beautiful, learn more about your relationship with God and learn more about your relationship with yourself, build #courage and strength, and prove to you that YOU CAN do something.
I only see positive through that journey…through those desires.


All of that being said…I want to love my body.

I know I have a lot of work to do…A LOT of work to do but I want to take this #journey. I want to BEAST this process. I want to be able to come out of it loving #God more and loving myself more.
To be honest…
I struggle with #food.


I eat when I’m bored, when I’m sad, when I’m happy, etc. I am horrible with portion sizes and just eat without even realizing it. This girl can put away some food. I #eat to make me forget my feelings, to remind me i’m alive, and to mask whatever internal junk i dont want to deal with. I find myself thinking about the next meal, what i’m going to eat and WHEN i can actually eat. Sad right?


I also recognize that this body truly CAN put me in the grave early. That wasn’t all talk. Heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as heart attacks and now cancer are all on the opposing line staring me down ready to tackle. If I don’t begin to get this beast under control now…I will die young, like my father and even my mother. I have obesity against me. My father was extremely obese (at his heaviest 400lbs) and my mother was the tiniest woman ever [dang mom why couldn’t I have your genes?]. I am my father to a ‘T’. At some point i have to make myself realize that i am daily making the choice to continue to kill myself. Its almost like a prolonged s

uicide. I’m daily choosing to die instead of live.


In order to do that i have to work for it. I have to pour my heart out and really push through all of these chains that are holding me down.

My plan?
Eat #healthier. Well DUH what does that mean? I’m still trying to figure that part out. I’m not sure if i’m going to re-start weight watchers or come up with controlling portion sizes and what to eat each day of the week….suggestions?
Work OUT! I will be starting the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I WILL committ to doing all 30 days of it.
Better self-talk. I will motivate and encourage myself. I will do my best to not put myself down throughout this process.
Support. I will journal, i will need HELP and encouragement from my friends. I will write myself notes and pray for motivation and strength.
Dig Deeper. This is going to be hard. VERY hard. I’m going to stretch myself in ways that i dont even know yet. I’m going to have great days, frustrating days, I freaking hate you days, and i can’t get out of bed days. As much as some might suck, i’m looking forward to them.

Its time for me to…

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October 12, 2011

this is great 🙂 thank you for sharing!

October 12, 2011

go you! i am certain you can do it if you set your mind to it. at my heaviest i was 180 and it took a lot of effort to get down to a comfortable size for myself (130). it took me a lot of tries and fails before i finally made the commitment to change my eating habits for good. good luck!

October 12, 2011

this is an awesome entry. and you still have 50% of your mom’s genes no matter what so don’t let that hold you back! you can do this!

October 12, 2011

I’m doing weight watchers right now. -35 lbs so far… but still a literal ass-load to go. I’m bookmarking you. Because I find you inspirational. : )

October 12, 2011

good entry. Ill support you! I learned in weight watchers that you need to speak positively to yourself. Dont say “Im gross & fat” say, “Im going to look and feel better”. Treat yourself like you would treat your friend. would you say to your friend “I hate you because you are fat!” naw.. you aren’t mean to people, but why are we mean to ourselves? It *really* hurts our feelings! stay positive!

October 12, 2011

& I agree with you about the ‘movement’, seems like an excuse for girls to BE/STAY fat. My niece’s weight is climbing. “I love my curves! I love my big booty!” she has a big chest & a big booty, but her a$$ is flat & wide. She needs to work it into a shape at least! her mom(my sis)wears 5X, is 5’4″, our mom is 300+ at 5’2″. If either one of them fell, NO ONE could help them up. I pray for them.

October 12, 2011

ive found weightwatchers food (smartones) are great in taste, try that for portion controls…? until u get the whole what size looks right on ur plate good luck

October 12, 2011

What an awesome entry.I wish you luck.Lola Falana

I saw your entry on RC… I am inclined to agree with you. I am overweight… I have been trying to get below 200lbs for 5 years now… I almost get there and then my weight bounces back up again… I intend on going back on a diet next month (like Nutrisystem or Medifast)… I am not of the mind that I intend on staying overweight, I know someone who was extremely obese (she was probably a good 100lbs over what I am if not more)…And she has made no concentrated effort to lose weight and claims that she is happy the way she is and she doesn’t care what other people think about her weight…cause she thinks she should love herself as she is. That’s all well and good…but loving yourself for who you are doesn’t mean you can’t attempt to lose the weight that is bad for your heart, your back, your legs….it all put a strain on the entire body. We were not designed to be chunky monkeys. I am not proud of my weight and I am trying to make a huge effort to get below 200lbs and my goal weight ultimately is 150lbs. People that go in with the attitude of big is beautiful.. no it isn’t… (cont…)

October 12, 2011

I really like this:)

(cont…) Big isn’t beautiful… The heavier you are the more areas in your body store sweat and grime that you can’t see (Like if you have fat around your abdomen… you get sweat in there and it reeks…).. Not to mention having way to large of breasts and you develop cottage cheese underneath (Maybe I worked in the healthcare field too long…) I applaud youfor not giving your weight gain an excuse to exist…but instead attempt to find a means to get rid of it once and for all! Bravo!!

I think you should love your body no matter what size it is, as long as your healthy. But being healthy means so much to so many different people. Happiness shouldn’t be based on a number, but how you feel, and that you are happy. We are more then a number.

RYN: I’m glad I didn’t anger you, I’ve been at both ends, 77lbs with anorexia and bulimia. I’ve been 242lbs, I’m currently 160lbs. At both ends i was so unhappy, i think for sure happiness and beauty comes from within.

October 12, 2011

You absolutely should love yourself. But as you know, you don’t love yourself for temporal things. You don’t love yourself for money or looks or possessions or power or a job or anything else you have accomplished. You derive that love from the only thing your boast should be in, you derive your self worth from the worth God has placed on you. You love him because he first loved you, andthen you realize what that means for you. But, your attitudes are right. You should want to be healthy and fit. Everyone should. You should take care of the body you have been given, it’s an amazing gift. You should want to keep it healthy and make it last so you can spend all the time you can doing the work you were put on earth to do. Right? Night is coming when no one can work. Don’t let anyone tell you to be complacent. Don’t let anyone tell you to be happy with unhappy. Fight.

i don’t think that health and thinness are synonymous. I think our culture has become grossly confused about what health is, it is not thin or the privilege it implies. http://junkfoodscience.blogspot.com/2006/11/obesity-paradox-1.html http://kateharding.net/2007/05/08/yes-i-like-gina-kolata/ http://www.reuters.com/article/2007/04/02/us-dieting-idUSN3036700020070402?pageNumber=1

and http://www.sirc.org/articles/sponsoring_obesity.shtml if you care to read any of the research.

It sounds like you know yourself really well and you know if you’re living healthfully by how you define it. If you aren’t moving enough and aren’t eating healthfully enough, and you start doing both those things, you will lose weight. It’s a very very very small percentage of people who don’t get results.

October 12, 2011

that was me above, sorry. At any rate, this is what works for me: 1. strength training. Hate it but it works. you start burning 15-20% more calories just living. Then you don’t have to get all crazy about keeping track of your food. I think the mistake people make with exercise is focusing on “burning off calories.” Hard to gauge how many you are burning, machines lie and peoplelie to themselves. Strength train and you burn calories all day. 2. Decide if I want to be full or to taste something delicious. If I want to be full I go for less calorie dense foods — soup, salad and Trad’r Joes fake Pirate’s Booty if you can find it is awesome. 3. If I want to taste something delicious, I get a small portion of the primo stuff. Amazing how much more satisfied you get with really good cheese or chocolate or cut of meat. 4. Lots of water. And if I mess up I have a mantra: “Don’t panic/Drink lots of water/Wait until you’re hungry again” You remind me of me when I was your age and I’m happy to report that it gets so much easier as you get older to deal with these issues.

October 12, 2011

AMEN! I totally agree with you. When I hear obese women….and I used to be obese….say that they love the way they are and that they are healthy, I want to yell at them: No you are not healthy! And I would love to ask them: So, if you had to choose between being a size 24 and a size 6, you would rather be a 24?! Bulls*t they would! Good luck to you! Keep fighting for what you want. God knows what is in your heart. He helps those who help themselves.

October 12, 2011

You can do it!! It IS hard work, and finding what actually works for your specific body is the hardest part. I’m on this journey too. I’m on a budget so WW hasn’t been an option for me (and it really didn’t help me much when I was on it). So far the website myfitnesspal.com has been super helpful in keeping me in check. And “The Flat Belly Diet” is really the only “diet” that has worked for me>

October 12, 2011

I’m bookmarking you! If you join myfitpal, look me up! I’m sarah148

Saw you on readers choice. I completely agree with you. I’m big as well, just over 200. I agree that loving our bodies at an obese weight is an extreme disservice not only to our physical and mental health, but also we are hurting the people we care about when they have to watch us go through various health episodes because of our weight. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of myfitnesspal.com?It’s a fantastic site that helps you track calories and exercise. What I love is that by helping us with the calorie counting, we can plan our meals better. I often have to estimate my veggies because I never pre-measure them. When first trying to lose weight it’s good to stick around the 1400-1600 range. Going under 1200 often puts the body into starvation mode and doesn’t aid in weight loss. Do you eat healthy? I like weight watchers, I do not like programs like Nutri-system. What kind of nutritional knowledge do you have? Do you think you have a good base? I like planning my own meals because then I can stick in my budget. Things like quinoa, beans, healthy grains, green veggies, are kick ass. Do you like to cook?

October 12, 2011

I think the big difference between you and the members of this “movement” is that you recognize health as being the most important factor to consider. I think their hangup is on society defining fat as ugly and skinny as beautiful and pushing for bigger girls to be seen as beautiful too. That’s all fine and well, but as you show here, vanity should be beside the point anyway. I’m kind ofa diet/fitness nut so I have about a bazillion suggestions I could make, but I’ll restrain myself! The only suggestion I’ll make is to move “dig deeper” to the top of the list. All of the others are good goals, but will come to nothing if Comfort Zone You keeps coming back to squash your motivation.

October 12, 2011

Powerful words. Well said =)

October 12, 2011

i am the same size as you and in the same boat. definitely a great entry though 🙂 Thanks

October 12, 2011

OMG thaaank you, that’s what I’ve been feeling all along! It’s about being HEALTHY. If healthy makes you thin, or if healthy keeps you at a nice, voluptuous size 12, then so be it! But your health comes first! (Unhealthy) big is NOT beautiful! Being obese is NOT beautiful! It is unhealthy and should not be something that is glorified. That big is beautiful movement gives me the same reaction. Being healthy is beautiful, being fit (whatever fit looks like to you) is beautiful. I am not meant to be lower than an 8. I am, right now, at my healthiest weight, a nice 141 lbs. That is in the healthy range of my BMI, I am fit and healthy and unfortunately, my bone structure won’t let me get down to a size 2 or 4. But I am FINE with that! Because I am healthy, I am doing what is best for my body and my life. I run, I eat pretty well, I do not starve myself, or eat fast food every day, I eat well balanced, portion sized meals and I will always be a size 8. And that makes me happy. 🙂

October 12, 2011

I love my plus size body. I would hate hate hate to be miserable and skeletor looking.

October 12, 2011

Love this entry! It’s like you flew inside my brain and pulled it out, then wrote it down to knock myself on the head with!

October 12, 2011

If being Healthy is the reason you want to lose then I truly believe you’re on the right track! Last year I weighed 216 and I’m only 5’2″. I was in a size 16/18 also so I know exactly what you’re feeling! I now weight 172 and am a curvy size 13/14. Counted calories. Zumba & the gym! Keep that inspiration and you can do it!

*shrugs* It is better than hating yourself every day of your life because no matter how much you work out, or how healthy you eat, you will always be BIG. And everyone in my family is big, and the vast majority of them lived to be 85+. Tons of skinny people die every day of disease. I do get those I hate myself moments, but I now refuse to disgust myself anymore. I could get hit by acar tomorrow!

October 12, 2011

ryn, agreed. Healthy comes in all sizes. 🙂

October 12, 2011

A MENTAL trick: hang a sign on the fridge and cupboards that say: “are you bored, or actually hungry?” Also, DON’T BUY JUNK, and only buy limited amounts of things, so you HAVE to manage your portions (and save money). Walking 3 miles every day, is great exercise and will kick start your body 🙂

October 13, 2011

This is a FANTASTIC article! Good for you, girl! Being healthy and happy – what more can we ask for in life? You CAN do it! I believe in you! Thank you for being so raw and honest with us <3 I’m sure that wasn’t easy girl!

October 13, 2011

I heard recently that “eating more vegetables” means eating an equal portion of vegetables for every serving of meat or carbs. So instead of 50/50, go 75/25 in favor of fruits and vegetables? Also I’m not a dietician and have no idea what the f*ck I’m on about, I’m just guessing. So you don’t have to take my word for it. tchau.

October 13, 2011

You are almost there. But you are still flawed in the thinking. What’s wrong with not hating your body eventhough you want to change it? That little bit of hatred you allow yourself to harbor undermines the good. Healthy and fit are not mutually exclusive with fat. You should strive to want to be mentally and physically healthy, but not liking your body isn’t going to get you there.

October 13, 2011

Here’s the way I see it: Finding some self respect, self motivation, and self esteem often requires that we find something to be grateful about right now, right where we are, as we are. That doesn’t mean we settle or rationalize. We start there. Then – like a snake – we have to work through the sometimes painful task of ‘shedding’ the unhealthy skins of the past. Best wishes to you.

October 13, 2011

Awesome! it is certainly not an easy walk in the park, but your health and fitness are totally worth working hard for. find an activity that you enjoy doing and you’ll find it a tiny bit easier to commit to ‘working out’. 🙂

ryn: Actually, what’s been keeping me inactive is chronic severe migraines.. making it nearly impossible for me to do much at all….Am hoping that the headache specialist I saw today helps resolve that.

October 13, 2011

I’m proud of you, and I know you can do it! I’ve been letting myself get a little tubby… and I know it’s because I’m comfortable with Ben and I don’t feel the need to try… but I want to stay healthy, and I don’t want to let myself go… but it’s hard to find time, and hard to eat right… and I will let you inspire me!

October 13, 2011

Hurrah. Conversely, I hate that group on Facebook called “Real women have curves”. Does that mean that skinny women aren’t real women too? *shakes an angry fist* Took me a few years to realise that my weight was getting out of control and this year I did something about it, before my skin lost its elasticity! I’m down 50 pounds so far and aim to lose anoother 20.

October 13, 2011

My diet involved cutting out carbs ALMOST completely (apart from 2 tablespoons of oatbran a day), no sugar, low fat, moderate exercise. Basically lots of meat, leaves and low fat dairy. Boring as ANYTHING, but it worked for me.

October 13, 2011

YES, ABSOLUTELY. I agree with this entry 100%. For the longest time, I made excuses about not being able to lose weight (PCOS, medications, thyroid issues are my problem), until I actually tried – I mean really tried, not just cut back a little on the food – and I started dropping gradually. I gained it all back because I got lazy again, but that made me realize that I – and most other overweightpeople – do not have a good excuse. Fat people should definitely not ever hate themselves for their weight, but they should try to lead a healthier lifestyle. And I definitely agree with what you said about plus size clothes sections. When I find clothes that fit me, I feel like I look cute, which inspires me to lose more weight so I can look even better. I think it’s the same way for most people. Just because we’re fat doesn’t mean we don’t have style, haha.

I agree with you, I think it’s dangerous for larger people to love their bodies and not do anything for their health. Not saying that they should be depressed about it, because that has it’s own issues, but embracing it isn’t the answer. I liked this entry!! Suggestions…I lost 17kilos when I stopped eating meat 🙂 And I’ve never been happier! Also, exercise is **** and noone likes it, but –

October 13, 2011

-you’re never going to be in the mood to do it, so just DO IT!!! Words from my wise boyfriend ha!! I only exercise 3 times a week for 30 mins, enough to keep me motivated and happy. (didn’t realise I wan’t signed in for my previous note… hmm…)

You can be plus size and be healthy. Plus size doesn’t always mean that your health is in danger. I’m plus size. I’m over 200 pounds but I’ve lost 40 pounds in the past year. Yes, I’m big. But I’m healthy. I don’t have heart problems. I don’t have high blood pressure. I don’t have problems walking up stairs. I don’t have any of the stereotypical “fat” issues that people associate with being overweight. The entire “movement” is to get people to realize that you shouldn’t hate your looks just because you’re bigger. It’s shoved down our throats day after day after day that it’s not good to be big. I think we all get that. But are big women not allowed to think they’re attractive? That’s what the movement is about. Love yourself. Period. Skinny, fat, chubby, big-boned, toned, athletic, whatever you are. Love yourself for who you are.

October 13, 2011

i love you and i love this entry. you can do this! 🙂

October 13, 2011

best thing is not to just do 30 days of exercise, but make it a daily lifelong thing.

October 14, 2011

good luck with your weight loss journey. there is a good diary cirle here for fitness and weightloss. you will get plenty of support there. 🙂

October 14, 2011

for me, the crux of the issue is this: love your body, whatever size it is. but feed it delicious/healthy food and exercise often. sometimes being overweight is a symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle. other times it’s a matter of genetics. treat your body right, and let it decide what weight it wants to be.

October 14, 2011

I love this entry. 🙂 Good luck with your journey!

ZOMG!!! I totally agree being about the same size as you, I feel exactly like this. Everyone is all like, you should just accept it, and I’m always like, umm..no Allthough I have a pretty good motivator. Everytime I want to eat nasy, I picture my wedding dress in my head and it stops me.

You’re a strong, strong person. I am absoloutly sure you can do this. I am so impressed that you are not only FOLLOWING your dreams, you’re CHASING them. And we all know running is great excercise. Stay strong, and beautiful on the inside 🙂

October 18, 2011

o_O i haven`t seen that trend here. wow; i`ve been living under a rock, i guess. lol. {proceeds to read your entry. . .} i completely agree with you! you can`t just MAKE yourself love something {or someone} that doesn`t make you feel satisfied or happy. and, in general, if you want to change the way you are, well, there`s only you in the way of that change! with motivation, you will be able to reach that goal + maintain it. and seriously — i really don`t understand some people i`ve come across {whether it`s online, in real life or hearing from others} who talk about losing weight + being healthy yet they do nothing about it — then proceed on BLAMING OTHERS for their lack of willpower and making ridiculous excuses; it`s self-denial. whoa — i think i have probably went off-topic but bah. anyway, thanks for writing this entry. also — i like the way you have written it =)

October 18, 2011

ps; GOOD LUCK with your plan + i hope it will all go well for you =)