Lately…. **pics


Indebted: The Premonition Series (Volume 3)
By Amy A. Bartol
see related

Blaaa **

photo on 2012-06-29 at 10.31 
this is currently my life right now…
A little bit sassy, a little bit blank, overwhelmed, busy, static, confused, happy, joyful, mixed up…you name it i’m there.
I dont know how or what all to explain since i’ve last updated, but i know that i’ve been busy. 
The beach get’away (two weekends ago) with the girls was awesome. We had a lot of fun, looked like tourists, walked into some fancy shops and really really enjoyed ourselves. 
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So yes, loads of fun there…late nights, laughing, being goofy and great memories made. Christina & Maria are truly amazing people and i am so blessed to consider them two of my best friends! 
I got home Sunday night and was slammed that entire week with things to do every single night. I’m surprised i was able to get laundry done in that week, it was that crazy
Friday night i went to a wedding for my next door neighbor. Matt has been like an older brother to me and i’ve grown up with my grandma watching them/me, being next door, him always hanging out with my cousins and I, etc….so it was great to see him marry a woman he loves deeply. The wedding was a blast and we danced the night away…literally. I don’t think i stopped dancing for a solid 2 1/2 hours. Everyone was laughing, sweaty, and having a good time! That is exactly what i want my wedding to be like: a CELEBRATION! 🙂
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The following Saturday it was up to clean the house/do more laundry/run errands/pack up and head out to our family’s beach house for a few days (i had to go into work on Tuesday). There were 21 of us on a 3 bedroom beach house. That is how it always goes….we cram in there like sardines and are loud, laughing, getting on each others nerves, no privacy, etc. It’s amazing and full of fantastic memories. I couldn’t imagine growing up any other way. Some of my friends are truly blown away by my family and how we act/behave/are…but i hands down love it. We’re in each others business, we do life together, we hang out often, there are absolutely zero secrets, and we protect each other. I plan to have a family just like the one i grew up in. 🙂
I got a little toasty…whoops, but it was so much fun and relaxing. I read through 4 books in two days…yes i did and they were incredible! In the last two weeks i’ve read almost 8 books….BALLIN!
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oh Yes….
That is my life, i love it! 
Other than that everything has been a blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….life is going by in FAST FORWARD MOTION! 
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The youth group i’m working with is doing awesome, the three high school girls i’m disciplining are absolutely incredible. I love them to pieces and they challenge me hardcore, it’s been a great experience. 
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I really feel like the Lord is allowing me to go through this season of re-growth, repair, rest, etc to prepare me for 2013. I have this strong feeling that something with me and youth ministry is going to blow’it’up! It coudl be that i start working with this church plant my friend Christina and her husband just got involved with, it could be working with troubled teens, it could mean working even more at the church i’m volunteering at now…i’m not sure but i’m happy waiting on God’s timing. 
I’m even MORE HAPPY to not be tied down. Yes, yes i’d like a relationship but i’m glad to be content in where God has me and enjoy my singleness andserve HIM. It’s a beautiful thing! 
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[the book i have listed is the third book in the series that i am HOOKED ONand i’m currently strung out until the next book releases….oh my gosh this series is incredible…READ IT…the first book is called "Inescapable" by Amy Bartol…you won’t regret it]
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I figured i would close with some other pictures from this summer so far…enjoy.
Yessssss love tobi! 
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How are all of you!??!?


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June 29, 2012
June 29, 2012

So glad you’ve been having some fun this summer! Your family and friends sound great!!! Love the photos! What 8 books have you read? I’m reading Clockwork Angel right now. It’s creepy. But I love reading. It’s so much fun!!

June 29, 2012

First and for most, I love the photo of Tobi at the faucet, and I love the photo of you in your red dress! I’m so glad you had such a good time away 🙂 xxx

June 30, 2012

Great pictures! STARBUCKS!!! ♥ I want that red hearted dress!! Aww- My parent`s cat does exactly the same thing. She loves to sit in the bath and lick the water from the tap when it is running. o_O Strange adorable creature =3 ♥

July 1, 2012

I always enjoy your entries hon! Thanks for sharing your pictures with us and i hope you have a happy and blessed rest of your Lord’s day! =)