Jo se phus


See that guy on the left….

He needs your prayers.

His name is Joseph.

He really needs Jesus in his life.

He needs to know what it means to be hopeful, to be loved, and to be truly desired.
Not in an empty relationship with another girl.
Not in sex.
Not in drugs.
But in an amazing relationship with the One who created him.
Lost on who Joseph is (that is if you’re a new reader, if you’re not you’re probably shaking your head like "girl please what the heck are you doing"….trust me when i say NOTHING, NO-THING is happening here ladies, rest assured)
Check out this entry, it has links to other entires as well…we go way back..10 years to be exact.

I also just realized the link is friends only. woops. My b. If for some reason you’d like to get the past history but can’t just let me know in a note. 🙂

I got up at 615 this morning and did a 30 minute work out. I start my bootcamp next tuesday so that means i’m up at 530am to go kick my own tail. Yikes. nervous but excited. I’ll probably throw up haha.


Also i haven’t forgotten about your questions…i just haven’t sat down and done a video yet. Maybe tonight? Hmm Hmm

So if you have any questions feel free to comment here, or go back one entry and leave a note. I’ll do some in a video, and probably some written out. 





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January 24, 2012
January 24, 2012

Good for you getting up early to work out! I kind of miss doing that myself. I should get back into it. So far all I do is two evenings a week, but they say that to have an effect you need three times a week… oh, they also say I’m supposed to eat better *eye roll* I’ll be praying for Joseph.

January 24, 2012

DONE! I know our Heavenly Father has huge plans for Joseph and He will also use you to touch Joseph’s life in an awesome way. God’s got this, hon, so don’t worry! Have a happy and blessed rest of your day! =)

January 24, 2012
