In Time…. *p*

 What a day.
We had a birthday party for my cousin’s daughter, Hannah, and my grandma. It was fantastic, but loud and insane. It was supposed to be from 2-4…it ended up being from 2-8…as always with my family. Everything we do lasts for ever because we stay up talking, laughing, being goofy. 
My back was feeling a lot better this morning, but then i moved a lot of furniture around and it messed up again. 
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I also just found out that Whitney Houston died…wow that so sad. It breaks my heart that people waste their lives in addiction. I really hope that her family and friends will find comfort and peace during this incredibly sad time. 
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Tonight is Pizza & movie night with my brother and his friend (and my brother by default) Tal and maria. Whenever bo comes into town we get pizza from a local pizza joint that is INCREDIBLE! It is amazing, seriously authentic pizza that costs crazy money…but its worth it. Tonight we’re going to watch In Time with Justin Timberlake. 
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My cousin’s husband also hung up our new kitchen light today!! EEEKK yes i just "eked" but its worth it! Its the light i bought to replace the one over the kitchen table, the old one was like a farmhouse hideous thing that made me want to throw across the room. 
We also (Maria, my brother, and myself) all took FREEZING cold showers today…while its freezing outside. Why you may ask? Because we’re crazy… but seriously our hot water heater decided to completely die today. UGH. We just shelled out $$$ on a new HVAC unit and now i just had to buy a new water heater. AHHHH and we need new floors and a new roof. Of coarse this happens when you have a 30+ year old house. 
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Its been FANTASTIC having my broseph in town. I seriously love spending time with him and being able to chill and laugh. 
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Let me tell you about this text i got from my friend sean this week. 
He sent me a text that said something like "What do i need to do to get you to come be a leader for high school girls here?!?!? Tell me what it will take"
This was from my friend Sean. He’s the youth pastor of a church about 45 minutes away. Their student ministry averages around 300-400. He is fantastic and truly is making a difference in the lives of students. 
I’m definitely more than flattered and have been praying about it. He was so encouraging. Telling me that he knows that the Lord has designed me for Student Ministry and that God put me on his heart years ago to work with in the ministry and that he just kind of let it slide but now he’s tired of saying "no" to God. He was like "If i’m going to be building my "dream team" you have to be on it" hahaha. But seriously it was completely flattering. 
It definitely sparked the passion for youth ministry within me. I haven’t felt that in so long…it was incredible. 
I’m pretty sure i’m going to say yes. Its a commitment for sure, but one that i think i’m ready and willing to do. 
Yes the church is a distance (sometimes almost an hour) but i think it will be worth it…
Please pray for me. 🙂 🙂 

Ok now onto this weeks pictures. 

Day 9: Front Door 

This is the view looking at my front door from inside my foyer. 

This is the view once i open it…hahha holla

Day 10: Self Portrait 
Pshhht why not make it goofy! 🙂

Day 11: Makes you happy.
My brother and Tobi make me happy! 🙂

Anyways…love you guys!

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February 11, 2012

I’ll be praying for you! I loooove the color of your front door. I love the self portrait tooo

February 12, 2012

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an awesome front door. Keeping you in my prayers, hun. xx

February 12, 2012
February 12, 2012

God would use you in a mighty way with youth ministry hon! Have a blessed rest of your night!

February 13, 2012