I’m alive….*with pics*

I haven’t intentionally been avoiding posting…its just that life has gotten busy, i was out of town, i’ve been working through some things mentally…and well writing it all out has taken a back seat, maybe it shouldn’t have though. 
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Let’s see…when i’m doing house work (like cleaning the kitchen) my cat, Tobi, constantly does this: 
It’s his cute version of hide and seek…little monster. 
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My brother left for his sophomore year of college (WHEN THE CRAP DID HE GROW UP?!) on Monday. He’s been gone two nights and it’s already harder for me to go to sleep. I’m just praying that he makes wise choices this year and doesn’t mess up his opportunity for school. I think he’s still struggling with what he wants to do. He’s leaning towards Psychiatry (the ones who are Dr.s and can hand out medicine), but isn’t sure if he can handle med-school (i think that’s smart to recognize) so might just become a psychologist. 
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I went to camp last week with the youth group i’m volunteering with…incredible. 
I can not begin to express how life changing it was for so many students and how humbling and re-directing it was for me. 
screen shot 2012-08-13 at 10.01.51 am 
God moved some serious mountains and broke down A TON of walls within this group of 100 students that we took. It was so incredibly humbling to pour into their lives and watch them truly GET IT when it came to Jesus. There was one night i will never forget…after the message and a few songs the pastor came back up and said "i have a feeling that a lot of you don’t feel loved, by anyone…if you feel that way, will you please be courageous and come up front so we as leaders can pray for you?" And i kid you not, at least 25 students came up to the stage. Two of them were my discipleship girls. I started sobbing uncontrollably; i’m talking snot everywhere, mascara running, chest heaving sobs because my heart was SO BROKEN that these girls and guys feel so unloved. We (leaders) went up and prayed over them for a solid twenty minutes. We kept praying and hugging and praying and crying until we felt it was time to move to the next moment. 
I can not begin to express how broken i was then, or how broken i was when i sat down with a beautiful 13 year old girl who couldn’t

understand why God would love her when there are so many "better people" in the world. I can not express how broken i was when i sat in a room with a 17 year old and held her hand as she screamed at God for the pain in her life, or how broken i was when i talked to a girl who was in a homosexual relationship and realized it wasn’t bringing Glory to God so she ended it. 
GOD MOVED. He showed up, He rescued hearts, and He provided. 
It was so amazing to be a part of it. 
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I finally got my roof replaced (pictures in another entry)…praise the Lord because this was happening a LOT. 
It was a costly penny but it needed to be done. There is a piece of my ceiling that has completely peeled off and is on the floor…glorious. However thats life and one of the joys of being a home owner…womp womp. 
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I had my d-group girls come by for a sleepover the friday before camp…a lot of Just Dance & Dance Central was played and BOY was it fun! I look like a goober but thats alright with me, thats what late nights+baggy sleep clothes will do for you! No flattery what’so’ever. 
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Training is going alright. Not as well as i would have hoped but i’m getting there. Monday i did the HUGE bridge in town and it killed my feet. 5 miles…woot. 
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I’ve been cooking A LOT lately. I’m trying to get my skills up to par. I’m also planing on having a big dinner night at my place…so it will give me an excuse to use the china! 🙂 
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Other than that…there are a lot of random things happening, small and huge tidbits here and there…but right now my brain is fried. 

Anyways i hope you enjoyed the post…it’s been forever i know! 
<3 you all and i miss reading about your lives and hearing from you. I’m planning on changing that.

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August 15, 2012

Awesome entry hon! I would have SO loved to be a part of such a wonderful worship experience with you! It just blesses my heart to see young people praising our Heavenly Father and realizing how very much He loves them! Keep on letting Him use you…you are doing an awesome job! =)

August 15, 2012

Love the pictures! What are you going to cook for your dinner party? I love cooking as well – wish my skills were more fine tuned. Maybe one day!

August 15, 2012

So good to hear from you! Glad you got your roof fixed. May have been a pretty penny now, but it could have cost more later if you had left it. 🙂

August 15, 2012

RYN: The book was really good (finished it at work… shhhh) But there is no third book yet… and this one ended kind of… incomplete… she better write quickly!

August 16, 2012

How lovely to read from you, Amy! I miss your entries <3. Loved the pictures, especially the one of Tobi – so cute! And I love Just Dance! Only slightly less than I love Singstar ;P xx