I like the number 10

<–Real entry that’a’way. This is just for fun.


10 things about your appearance (clothes, face, hair, height, smile, piercings, tattoos).

1. I have curly hair, not wavy trying to say its curly but actual curly hair. It gets even curlier the shorter I cut it.
2. I used to dye my hair different colors at least twice a year. It has been a full year since I’ve dyed it anything, but the time is coming my friends, the time is coming.
3. I believe in make up. Not a TON of make up but enough to make your features pop. I very rarely leave the house without some form of make up (even just mascara), unless I’m doing yard work or not feeling well. It’s the southern lady in me. 🙂
4. My style is eclectic. Really I don’t have a certain one I stick to. If I were thinner (I’m working on it) I would be more into the hipster look because that’s always been me.
5. I have a tattoo on the top of my left foot, it is the root word for “delight” in Hebrew, pleasure; to find pleasure in God, to find delight in a relationship with Him. This will not be the only one; I will be getting more tattoos.
6. I used to never wear earrings, all throughout middle and high school (even though my ears were pierced). Now I wear earrings almost daily. Big dangling ones, I love them.
7. I’ve been told before that I have a great smile. Eh, its ok…my teeth are all sorts of awesome shades of white/yellow haha. I need to do more whitening strips.
8. I do not wear foundation, I have freckles and I like them. When I DO wear foundation (which is like maybe once every 5 years) I look so weird without my freckles.
9. I have a “bunny nose” apparently. When I talk it wiggles. Yes…its cute, and no you may not call me bunny, that name is on reserve.
10. I have a deviated septum. You can’t actually see it, but now you know its there. I got it from nasal surgery I had back in 2009. It whistles when I breathe quickly or when I’m sleeping, and yes you can be jealous its pretty awesome.

10 things you do every single day.

1.) Hit snooze at least twice…I know but I set my alarm at least 30 minutes before I need to wake up haha.
2.) Squeeze Tobi in some form; he is just so dang cute and fluffy to not be squeezed.
3.) Eat. I love food, so much so that it is a problem.
4.) Have human interaction. Even if it is just a phone call I can’t go without a conversation of some sorts.
5.) Think. I know that sounds like a cop-out but it isn’t. I’m not talking about “oo what should I have for lunch” thinking, I’m talking: “where am I spiritually, what can I do to better this or that, how can I improve…” deeper and more challenging thinking.
6.) Read SOMETHING. A blog, a book, my Bible, an article, I’m always reading.
7.) Find/jot down something I can do to update, renovate, decorate, clean, organize my home.
8.) Use chapstick, or lip gloss, or SOMETHING…my lips get so dang dry.
9.) Look at myself in the mirror. Not necessarily narcissistically but more so just to see what kind of damage is going on haha.
10.) Put my hair into a messy bun/pony tail. By the end of the day (or even during the day) I’ll not care any more and just throw it up and out of the way.

10 things about your personality.

1.) I am straightforward and blunt. Some would probably use the word confrontational. [This goes with the “confrontational” point: I believe honesty is the best policy so I try my hardest to always be honest even if the truth hurts.]
2.) I can be a little moody sometimes. I KNOW all girls can, especially that time of the month, but sometimes I can swing back and forth. Not as fast as someone with bi-polar disorder (my father was bi-polar) but I think I could possibly have bi-polar tendencies. Ok now let me explain that b/c that might make me sound a tad crazy (which I am ha!). I can just sometimes get a little down and it takes me a while (like a few hours maybe not even that) to snap out of it.
3.) I’m a hopeless romantic. I know, it’s a pitfall and will get me hurt (as it has) but it doesn’t stop me. I dream big and love big. The minute I let someone into my heart they stay there forever, whether they should be allowed there or not. I think that is why I love so deeply and have such a hard time letting go. It is not my best attribute.
4.) Another not so great attribute, I can be a grudge holder. Yes ladies, we’re experts at this aren’t we. I don’t like this quality and I’m working on changing it. I suppose once someone does me (or a friend) ‘dirty’ it takes me a while to see them in a different light.
5.) I’m hyper. Not always, not every second, not even daily but my natural tendency is bouncy, jittery, and when I get a second wind, watch out. I am a fast person, I talk fast, think fast, act fast. Haha.
6.) I am anxious. Yes, I am the “worrier” in a group of people. I can get myself all twisted up inside to the point of making myself physically sick. It used to be really bad but over the years (and through God’s help and counseling) I’ve gotten tons better.
7.) When I get angry, really angry, it isn’t pretty. I turn into someone I’m not proud of. Bitter language and venom just flow out of my mouth and I will do my best to emotionally wreck you. THIS is where I need the redeeming power of Jesus because I honestly can mess up in this area. I can say this though, its gotten better, LOTS better. After being in my relationship with Stephen (he wouldn’t have any of that) and even after that, building a stronger foundation with Christ I’m learning to approach situations and problems in a way that is couched in love and if I get really pissed off to walk away and cool down before approaching the topic.
8.) I am an encourager, or at least I try to be. I want people to know their worth and when they are doing a good job. I want to help people strive to be the best version of themselves and to feel important.
9.) I used to be a really bad hypochondriac. I still am to a degree. I can be around people with colds and whatnot but I do not like being around someone when they have anything stomach related. I can make myself believe I’m getting sick and can sometimes even give myself the symptoms.
10.) I’m loyal. I believe in being honest, truthful, and standing beside a commitment to another person (either in friendship or a relationship).

10 of your favorite foods

1.) MEAT I love meat. (that’s what she said bahaha, ok seriously) A good burger is to die for.
2.) Stir Fried Cabbage
3.) Pot Stickers or any kind of chinese
4.) Hummus (it is like my crack)
5.) Gyros
6.) Squash
7.) Hash (bean hash, not liver)
8.) Pineapple
9.) Sweets (yes, all of them)
10.) Pepper steak

10 things about your family.

1.) We are loud. (my mom’s side) I mean REALLY loud.
2.) We are like “the mafia” not in the ‘we kill people way’ but in the “you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us” way.
3.) We discuss everything with each other, secrets don’t last long at all.
4.). We’re all very close and do everything together.
5.) We don’t just get together on holidays, we have oyster roasts randomly, family dinners, birthday parties, movie nights, etc.
6.) When I say “we” I don’t mean just 5-6 people I’m talking like 20+.
7.) I’m the only granddaughter (there are 3 of us) who didn’t have a teenage pregnancy or gotten pregnant outside of wedlock. (And I won’t!)
8.) Alcoholism, high blood pressure and cholesterol as well as diabetes (and now cancer) all run in my family.
9.) Molestation or weird things like someone flashing them, following them into a house, etc also seem to run in my family (my grandmother, my aunt, my mother, my cousin, and myself)
10.) I wouldn’t trade them for the world, even though they are crazy and give me headaches sometimes.

10 things about your friends.

1.) WE ARE LOUD…like stupid loud.
2.) We don’t care/are not offended to talk about poop or to fart/burp around each other.
3.) We share our lives together, not just the “hey how are you today” kind of stuff but the “this is the deepest secret” stuff.
4.) We do our best to hold each other accountable.
5.) We don’t have to “go out and get drunk or sleep around” to have fun.
6.) Most of them are married or in a relationship there are only 4 of us ladies that are single.
7.) We love game nights. Things, apples to apples, scene it, scatagories, scrabble, and much more.
8.) I really don’t know where I would be without them.

10 things you’re ashamed of.

1.) My attitude sometimes.
2.) My weight.
3.) My lack of motivation.
4.) My lack of follow-through in certain areas.
5.) My lustful nature.
6.) My sexual past.
7.) My thoughts.
8.) How I have handled certain situations.
9.) Not doing all that I could have with Ignite.
10.) Not always being there for those who need me.

10 things about your love interest.

Well I don’t really have one right now so I’ll say 10 things I’d like to see in a man.
1.) Loves God.
2.) Loves others
3.) Has a servant heart
4.) Is motivated
5.) Is a hard worker
7.) Has patience
8.) Loves students and has a desire to be a part of their lives.
9.) A strong moral compass
10.) A strong spiritual leader.

10 things you absolutely hate.

1.) Apathy
2.) Entitlement
3.) Roaches
4.) Fear
5.) Anxiety
6.) Disrespect
7.) Abusers
8.) “Our Sex-culture” because it kills what God intended for sex to be.
9.) People making fun of others
10.) Dishonesty

10 things you love.

1.) God
2.) Tobi
3.) My family & friends
4.) Curling up on the couch to a good movie.
5.) Dancing around like a crazy person.
6.) Laughing
7.) Being hopeful.
8.) Food
9.) Holidays
10.) Decorating.
Now lets add some pictures to help you piece together some things i "like" 🙂 haha. None of these people/things/etc are me/mine just things i like :
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October 25, 2011

I use this pre-white rinse from listerne on my teeth. I cannot STAND whitening strips lol I’ve tried them and I just can’t do it..makes my teeth feel gooey… Don’t feel bad I set my alarm for about an hour and a half before I actually have to get up lol You are an encourager 🙂 You really encourage me a lot 🙂 GYROS! I need one now! Hum can I move and be a part of your circle of friends. I’m jealous you have that. I want it. I know I sound sad… The picture with the birds on the wood makes me think of Hitchcock. Eeek. And hooray TOMS! <3

October 25, 2011

I’ll have to do this later when I have more time! 🙂 Nice entry, very informative. Love those skeleton heels…omg I want them!

October 25, 2011

Loooooooved this entry! Learnt a lot about you =). I believe in make up too!!! ^_^

October 26, 2011

This is the best survey EVER. I am totally swiping it!

October 26, 2011

I loved this entry and I will be doing this myself I think. 🙂

October 28, 2011

I only just discovered your awesome cat, Tobi, on your front page. I want kitty. 😛 Oh, and mostly I was coming by to say I added you. 🙂