Hectic *

 It’s been a while hasn’t it?! 
In all honesty my life and brain is just fried. Hahah I’m always doing something, especially these last two weeks. It seems like i only have one night a week to myself that isn’t promised away and all other nights are scheduled out or i’m working on house projects. 
Dang. Its been a whirlwind. 
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Well i’ve finished week two of my 2-day a week 6am training! YIKES It has been crazy. on Wednesday i couldn’t even sit up from laying flat without almost being in tears. This trainer is kicking my butt…seriously. I’ve got 4 more weeks to go with this trainer and then i’ll take a "week off" and then i start with our half-marathon trainers. I’m nervous, 13.1 miles is a LONG way to run…but thats why i have to train. Also i’m going to be going to a really nice shoe store here shortly (once i get my tax refund) and getting fitted for running shoes (i’m looking around $150 for these shoes). I need them though. You see i have a problem when i run/walk long distances, my toes go to sleep. Not just a numb feeling but also like i’m stepping on needles. If these new shoes do not help, i’m going to have to go to the doctor, because it could be a nerve issue. 
Which sucks.
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We had our Bible Study last night…and it was awesome. We’re in a transition between Bible Studies currently and we’re going to be starting to read the Radical book by David Platt, and we’ve got a study to go along with it. It isn’t the actual study that you can purchase with the book, its a very in depth study that a church has put out. I’m excited! 
One of our friends *E* was able to come last night (she hasn’t been able to come at all), and we were able to update her on what all is going on with us, but also hear how her family is doing. After a long talk we decided we’re heading over there next weekend to clean/paint/take care of her son, while she and her husband go out. We will be there at 830am and we will start painting the nursery (she’s pregnant with her second), organizing and setting up the nursery, cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, bathrooms, living room, etc. One of our friends, stacy, is taking *e’s* son out for the day so we can get things accomplished. All in all there will be maybe 6 of us at the house while Stacy is out with the little man. 🙂 
I’m excited about it. 🙂 I really, really love to clean and i’m good at painting a room, and i’m efficient so it WILL all get done in one day, trust me. 
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I’ve got a lot on my plate this weekend in regards to house/blog projects. I’m hoping to build a headboard for my brother as well as paint the other dropcloth/curtain, and move the old desk out of the office and paint the new desk and put it inside the room. Who knows maybe i’ll even paint the room this weekend, or at least one of the walls……oooo i think i will!! 
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Work is going great. I’m able to get a lot accomplished personally and i think i’m staying on top of stuff around the office. Church is going pretty good. I’m mostly going to Journey on Sundays and then i’m working at Alive on Wednesdays. They are both a good distance from my house (Journey is 20 minutes and Alive is 45)…but i’m excited to be involved in something so awesome at each place. It’s been an eye-opening experience trying to find a church that not only is scripturally founded and theologically sound, but that you feel pulled to serve at. What a ride it has been. I’m not settled, AT ALL, but i will be one day. 🙂 
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Me & Jesus, we’re getting better. It’s been rocky for the better part of two years honestly. I know that Christ is my foundation, and that HE is seeking me out and loves me, but i’ve just sucked on the returning end. I need to get my stuff in order and really recognize WHY i’m here and WHO i’m here for. If Jesus was to come right now and walk with you in your day to day life, would you be ashamed or thrilled?! If it is anything other than thrilled to show Him what you’ve been doing for Him and His Kingdom…then dang, where is your heart?! Check that. 
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Nada. I’m ok with it though, honestly. Sure i have my moments where i hate being single, and desire a relationship. But lately i’ve really been enjoying my singleness and i’m happy that i have the time to do what i want, when i want, and not having to check in. I like that on a weeknight if i dont feel like cooking/cleaning that it only affects me–not someone else. I like my alone time and value the fact that i’m wholly relying on God, and not being tempted to rely on another person…those are all fantastic. 
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I figured i would close with some pictures of how my life has been lately and what i’ve been up to. 
My new mug from a blogging friend: 
Tobi being stinking cute: 
Me after cleaning for hours and no make-up. My eyes are reading really blue, when they are super green most of the time…weird: 
<img data-src="http://x81.xanga.com/943f814477133281591053/z224384727.jpg&quot; height="400" alt="_MG_5045" src="http://x81.xanga.com/943f814477133281591053/z224384727.jpg&quot; style="border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; borde

r-left-width: 0px; ” /> 
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There you have it…how is everyone doing?

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April 13, 2012

My nephew read “Radical” and he said it was AWESOME! You just keep on keeping on with and for Jesus hon…He’s always there for you! Have a happy and blessed weekend! =)

April 13, 2012

Because of the blue from your shirt! I hope the shoes really help. $150 isn’t even THAT much to spend, when you think about how it’s an investment and how much time you’ll be spending in those shoes!

April 13, 2012

I have radical, but I haven’t been able to read it (I bought it last year after friends on a team told me about it continuously), they also said that “radical together” is really good… maybe this summer I’ll have time… ::sigh:: Enjoy being single. It’s a gift! There’s a book called Lady in Waiting that I’ve worked through in a group before, and it’s really refreshing to me…

April 14, 2012

I loved Radical! It really puts things into perspective and makes you think. It’s an eye opener for sure. Can’t wait to see this headboard project. I need a headboard and I’m all about DIY. Sounds like things have been going fantastic for you. I’ll be updating soon promise. Pictures included 🙂

April 16, 2012