[heart day] *


Happy Valentines Day! <3
Instead of allowing myself to sulk around be all “woe is me, I don’t have a Valentine”…I’m going to look at the positives. The truth is, if you have a significant other that you love; cherish that love today (and every day!). If you don’t yet, then recognize that you’re being taught patience and enjoy your singleness…truly! Everyone, those in relationships and those that are single, actually have the greatest love of all whether you feel like recognizing it or not. Jesus Christ laid down His life for you, not so that you could just say “hey, thanks man, that was really cool”; but to lay down your life in return and love Him with your full heart. I promise you it is worth it.
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What am I doing for Valentine’s day? Oh, thanks for asking =), I’m running a few errands after work to pick up gifts for my secret girl in our Bible Study. Stacy came up with the great idea of getting something for the girl whose name we drew last week. We were to pray for them all week and get them a little somethin’ somethin’ under $5 just to say, “Hey, you’re awesome”.  After that I’m heading over to my grandma’s house (my dad’s mom) she called me yesterday to say “stop by tomorrow, I picked you up something for Valentine’s Day!” awww she is adorable, I love her. Then I’m going to swing by the house, squeeze the crap out of Tobi and head to the gym…that’s the plan anyways. =)
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I’m kind of talking to someone…let me re-phrase that I’m getting to know a guy. He’s 22, blonde, tall (then again I’m 5’5 so anyone is tall haha), sweet as pie, an incredibly hard worker (the guy gets up at 4:45 and doesn’t get home from work until after 5), family guy, and is in the process of buying his own house…yes at 22. I’m just as floored as you are. I don’t know that much about him so I’m still super cautious. I met him online and he lives a few hours away (nothing like josh or Stephen). It seems that my life story is long distance relationships…I don’t like it, nor do I want it, but I also refuse to keep God in a box. My hesitation with Mitchell (that’s his name), he just and I mean JUST got out of a SUPER LONG relationship (*cough* 6 years *cough*) and they were actually engaged. I refuse to be a rebound. So I don’t know, that worries me;  I’m just over-sharing as I always do. So, you’re welcome.  
Now, when I re-read that I’m like…ughh I don’t know what I’m like, I’m being analytical and a girl.
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Hmm…I’m trying to think if there is anything else I need to update on.
I can’t think of anything right now…so I will leave you with the pictures.
I know I don’t post every day, I thought I would, but I don’t…so sue me haha.
Day 12: Inside your closet:
So i got a little trigger happy. 🙂 haha
Also excuse the horrid lighting and the crazy slant in the first picture. I’m planning on getting a new light fixture in there (i really want a fun chandelier) Also that huge box on the right…those were all of my old student ministry bags for the students…i have no idea what i’m going to do with them now.
<img alt="_MG_4440" height="400" data-src="http://xeb.xanga.com/f5cf9b22d9130280876003/z223755057.jpeg&quot; style="border-right-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px” src=”http://xeb.xanga.com/f5cf9b22d9130280876003/z223755057.jpeg&#8221; />
Day 13: Blue.
So i try to use this daily..sometimes its a wash, ha! get it?!?! a wash…i know i’m lame.
I’m a horrible flosser, there is my confession. I never do it, i know its so bad. I always do it every day the week before a dentist appointment and i always hear "you have fantastic gums!!" and in my head i’m like "muahahha fools, i have tricked you". =)
Day 14: Heart
I took this picture this morning (does that count!?!?)
This is my mantle in my den…it makes things a little bit more festive i think.
So there are my photos and my life…
Thoughts? Ideas? Requests?
Ah, who am i kidding i’m luck you even read this. 🙂

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February 14, 2012
February 14, 2012

Last year i used Valentine’s day as a personal challenge to show the single girlfriends i had in my life that they ARE loved and that they are special and that they dont’ need a man to feel special on valentine’s day. Even got one of my closest girlfriend flowers! Aw YAY Mitchell! I think that’s good that you refuse to try to box-in God. You never know! Beautiful pictures! Jeally of closet.

February 14, 2012
February 14, 2012

I was going to say, don’t let the 6 years relationship intimidate you. Daniel had not long ended a 5 year relationship when we started dating and I let it intimidate me. But then I read the bit about the engagement. I think in this case all you can do is leave it up to God and see what He has in store for you! xxx