Halloween [pictures] & dress

 Still much to update on. 
But i took a few quick pictures this morning of the progress….still have a ways to go with the halloween decorations! 
Today will be a day of cleaning and decorating then going to a cookout tonight with some lovely friends. 
Life is going good…for the most part. We have bumps and valleys here and there but i suppose its all in the perspective that we keep <3 
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Here are some photos for your saturday. haha I’ve got to get back to cleaning. 
Btw…how many of you took that quiz, what were your results?
My new dress: (excuse the nappy hair/no make up and messy surroundings i’m in the middle of cleaning and decorating remember) haha
and i just realized you can’t tell the detail of the dress in these pictures, rats….AND i WILL be wearing a tank top under the dress to cut out the cleavage…modest is hottest. I just wanted to take a quick pic….woops.

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wow I love your decorations. The Bats look fantastic, Im envious. -SS

October 8, 2011

Those are the coolest bats! Way to go – can’t wait to see the finished product 🙂 Also, looove that dress! Gorgeous! And the phrase “modest is hottest” <– SO true!!

October 8, 2011

your decorations look smaaaaashing! i’m totally diggin the halloween vibe! have fun at the cookout, lovely <3

October 8, 2011

love the decorations! I’m about to post my results 🙂

October 8, 2011

Those decorations are flipping cool. And the dress is also lovely =). Agree on the modesty fact!

October 11, 2011

You’re like me with your tank top under dresses. I hate when my cleave shows… so embarrassing… I took the test, and though some things in it were like me, it wasn’t as accurate as I expected… maybe I did it wrong 😛

October 12, 2011

I love the decorations!!! did you make those bats? and your dress looks fantastic!

October 12, 2011

Bats R awesome.Lola Falana

October 12, 2011

Decorations are great and you are totally hot in that dress!

Just read your other entry about plus-size girls and then saw the pix in this entry. I would have never guessed that you are over 200 pounds judging by these pix! I know you want to lose weight, but you definitely carry it well and you can tell that you have very nice lines.

October 18, 2011

those are wicked decorations! =)