Friday, update, pictures. you’re welcome <3

well hello…

So i had Bible study last night with the girls, and TOTALLY meant to take pictures of them, but its all good.
I didn’t get home until after 11 all because we have so much fun being together! We got in the Word, shared our frustrations, our sins, our hopes, our praises! We talked about boys, life, and what tomorrow might hold. I LOVE THESE WOMEN. seriously they are such a breathe of fresh air and i can be completely open and honest with them. It is a true joy and blessing to be able to say i have a solid group of girlfriends who love me despite my flaws and know my deepest secrets and continue to cut up and be goofy with me.
It was really adorable when they were like, "ahem, Amy…is there something you would like to share? *wink wink*" haha. So of coarse i filled them in on Mitch and the obvious happened, "picture, immediately!" So i happened to text him and said, "they totally want a picture of you" and he was hilarious. He has a few online but he isn’t smiling and looks totally intimidating and mean. =)…after slight persuading he gave in and sent me a great picture with a smile, which i will post after a while. I passed around the phone and everyone made their awesome compliments and apparently i was blushing like an 8th grader and completely red. I remember being insanely hot and i had a "plastic grin" on my face…it was hilarious. They attempted to take a picture of me but i was smart enough to turn away quickly. ha.

This also happened yesterday….

I’m the grey, he’s the green…
I flipping died. haha.
He’s adorable.
Ok now that the girly gush is out of the way. i just wanted to say quickly that i am STILL GUARDED. It would be foolish of me to not be. We came up with a statement last night "Girly Guarded" [don’t judge our lameness/coolness you might just be jealous =p ha.]. It means to allow yourself the moment of excitement and "oh my gosh this is amazing" but then to re-ground yourself in the present and remember WHO is your #1 (God) and to take your time and realize that your heart is a gift, not an appitizer.

let’s get up to date with this photo challenge


Day 20: Handwriting
Don’t judge ha.
(also if it for some reason get’s cut off, you can click on the images to make them bigger)
picnik collage
_mg_4830 _mg_4826

Day 21: A Fave photo of you.
I have two.
7524_157744767064_112157317064_3276635_4316874_n 222188_503709900522_136100277_30234117_3529_n
The second one is my absolute favorite. A guy i knew took this at a conference my freshman year of College. We were all sitting in the hallway acting dumb and playing some game and i was just laughing and laughing and laughing. This was actually when my anxiety was at it’s worst and i was terrified to leave home, but i did. God revealed some huge things to me that weekend…things i will NEVER be able to forget.

Day 22: Where you work.
Yup, it was a slow day. =)

Day 23: Your Shoes.
Now i wasn’t sure if it meant a picture of all of my shoes
<img alt="_MG_4835" src="

jpeg” height=”400″ data-src=”; style=”border-right-width: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px” />
Which that still isn’t all of them…i apparently have a shoe hoarding problem because i don’t even wear all of them, they are just pretty to look at. *tisk* i know.
So just in case it meant shoes on your feet…Tada….
I have vieny feet.
like little spiders.
Wait that isn’t cute….hmm
like cute little rivers that Pocahontas paddles through.
Well that didn’t sound much better.

Day 24: Inside your bathroom Cabinet
Well, you asked for it, men ignore the right side. 🙂

Junky, i know. I really need to organize and get my stuff straight.


So there is a short update. This weekend i plan on getting some junk done around the house and a few little DIY projects…holla.

As promised.

He doesn’t like his "smiley pictures"….i on the other hand, love them.

That might make me slightly creepy. oh well.

Happy Friday!

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February 24, 2012

hahaha Ben used to never smile with his teeth… and I LOVE his beautiful teethy grin… so since i met him I constantly remind him “smile with your teeth!” Mitch looks all manly and stuff… good for you! Thanks for sharing 🙂 God sure has blessed you with amazing friends!

February 24, 2012
February 24, 2012

Your handwriting pics make me want to go journal! Love it!

February 24, 2012

Cute and I love your tattoo it’s so cute glad you have some good friends who you can be yourself around. That’s so important !!!

February 25, 2012

Super cute!

February 26, 2012

Yea boy! 🙂