

I’ve been talking to someone….i know and I haven’t told you yet, I’m a horrible person.
His name is Drew.
He is 26.
Super sweet, genuine, loves the Lord.
He has a Masters degree and is thinking about getting a second Masters.
He works in the Pharmacy field.
We seem to hit it off really well and enjoy talking to each other.
He’s reserved, kind of shy, thinks before speaking, and is very complimenting.
I’m enjoying getting to know him.
We’re in the beginning stages of EVERYTHING.
Still getting to know one another, still stupid girly when the phone rings, still overly and incredibly cautious and guarded.
But I’m enjoying getting to know him, and learning more about what makes this guy tick.
The conversations we have are so broad and full of questions and answers, its nice to not only find out about someone I’ve never met but to have someone genuinely desire to get to know me.

We were talking about tattoos last night and I asked if he had any. He said he didn’t, that he wasn’t as adventurous to get something of that nature and asked if I had any. I laughed and said, “yes, I have on tattoo and plan on getting at least 4-5 more, I’m also getting another ear piercing in the next few months since I have a certificate.” I wanted to see where he stood on everything. I know tattoos/piercings can be a deal breaker for some people and I wanted to see if it was for him. His response, “That’s cool, I don’t want you to think I’m not into you any less…would you like me less if I never had tattoos?” How cute is that?!!!?

I’ve come to find out that I don’t have a specific type. I am drawn to all different styles and personalities in the opposite sex. Drew is definitely not someone I would normally see myself with, but I think that is why this is so exciting. He is so even keeled, so relaxed, so quiet, that so far it balances out my type-A personality.

I’m just thinking out loud. I’m not invested yet, and I’m taking this thing day by day. I’m at a complete loss on how this whole “getting to know you/dating” phase goes…but I’m praying about it, daily and I’m keeping my awesome girlfriends in the loop. They help keep me grounded. <3

I’m guarding my heart, immensely, since I royally effed up in the past at letting down my guard too quickly.
Anyways. Everything else in life is moving along. I have been struggling more with my Anxiety recently. I think its because my brother will be leaving again for college and I’ll be worried about him, I know I know, and just other life changes.
BUT I’m alive, God is incredible, family is fantastic, friends are amazing, getting to know Drew is exciting…all in all 2012 is turning out to be great. =)

How are each of you?!?!

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January 4, 2012

Eeeeeeeee!! I can’t wait to read more!

January 4, 2012

Wait, how did you guys meet? Don’t stay too guarded for too long or he’ll pick up that vibe and think that maybe you aren’t interested. Balance is good 🙂 And you’ve given your heart to God to protect, right? So he won’t let you down.

January 4, 2012

I think you are very smart, hon, to take things slowly and get to know him first. Guarding your heart is ok too! I’m so glad he loves the Lord because He will not settle for anyone less than HIS best for you! *hUgZ*

January 4, 2012

that is the PERFECT response 🙂 that makes me so happy, to see someone valuing you so much, as well as sharing your values! Keep your heart close, and trust in the bigger plan for you <3 It sounds lovely.

January 5, 2012

Well, this is a little bit exciting!!! Please keep us in the loop!!! I’m pretty good, thank you for asking. A little busy but praising God for each beautiful day he sends my way 🙂

January 6, 2012

That getting-to-know-someone phase is really fun. It feels like vertigo, roller coasters, and free dessert all at once. Enjoy yourself. 🙂

January 7, 2012

Well I wish I hadn’t of read the other entry first…Boohiss boys! How did you meet him??