
 Hitting up the beach with two of my best friends, Maria & Christina. 
Maria’s birthday is on Saturday so we wanted to get out of town and just DO something. 
Insert my awesome grandparents condo an hour and a half away at a different beach than the local ones we have here. 
I am so excited to just leave for a few days and be in a different environment and away from some current distractions. 
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 
I’m getting back on Reliv. I’m so very excited. I started using it in college when i was dating Stephen [he introduced me to it] and the health benefits i received were amazing! It improved my memory, my sleeping, my endurance, my overall health, my skin, my hair, etc etc. Once i stopped using it (it was a little expensive for a broke college kid, and i felt like "i’m great i don’t need this anymore") i realized how much my body needed essential nutrition. Now that i’ve started training for this half-marathon i need my body to be performing at it’s best…and i know that can only come from using Reliv. 
<3 so pumped. 
. . .
I received an email from a woman yesterday who i admire and look up to a lot (she actually was my mother’s youth pastor and we stayed with her when we went on our roadtrip in 2010 and visited alabama). 
This is what she said, " Woke up with you on my heart and have been praying for you all morning…how are you!?
The Lord told me to tell you that he is going to give you what you want….what does that mean!?
I love you!"

To say i was floored is minimal. I’ve been going back and forth over a lot of different issues and so i’m not really sure the "He will give you want you want" is referring to…but dang. I’m actually kind of fearful. I don’t want what i want (ha say that 5 times fast) to be what He gives me…i want Him to give me what HE wants…and i don’t deserve anything honestly. It’s a big ol jumble of junk in my head. It makes me really think about my priorities and what i’m putting first or last in my life…and what really holds significance. 
. . .
Can you tell that my mind is already checked out? That i’m ready to hit up the beach, the water parks, and spend late nights with my girlfriends laughing and being absolutely stupid?!?! 
I’m taking my camera this weekend so i hope to capture some of this amazingness that i’m sure will happen. 

Do you have any plans this weekend?

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June 14, 2012

You should road trip BACK to Alabama and come visit MEEEEEE

June 14, 2012

Probably just getting drunk =] Hope you have a wonderful time! ♥

June 15, 2012

EEE Have fun! I want to roadtrip with Ben so badly! I bet you’ll have a blast. I know what you mean about a different environment!

June 16, 2012

Wow, that sounds like a great weekend. I am uber Jelly! I’ve been needing a beach trip and change of scenery for a whileeee. Have a blast!

June 18, 2012

It was fun, I will be seeing him again this week. How was the beach??

June 18, 2012

What an awesome and encouraging email! Don’t you just love the way the Lord works?!

June 20, 2012

sounds good 🙂 have fun!!

June 28, 2012

How was your getting out of town weekend? I hope it went well. I need to get out of town myself. It would be nice! I hope you had a great time!!