Tell us about four jobs you have had, with one being fake.
I was the camp counselor at a Girl Scout camp in east Texas charged with killing venomous copperhead snakes using only a hoe in order to protect campers. I was only allowed to kill the snakes that ventured into the circle of our camping unit – not the rest of them on the camp property. Again, using only a hoe.
I worked for Bennigans for eight long years. I started as host, then worked as a waitress (server), and eventually got my license and got to be behind the bar.
I worked for a youth psychologist assisting on “outings” where I participated as a “fellow youth” in acting in normal youthful ways with the patients while enjoying activities such as skating and kite flying.
I was part of a team responsible to repair the programs written in the computer language COBOL for the Houston Chronicle to prepare them for Y2K. This was necessary because the programs written in COBOL, an older programming language, were all written with a six-digit date marker. Today would have been recognized as 020930 instead of 20200930, and would therefore have been sorted into an earlier date than say, December 29, 1999 i.e. 991229.
Killing the snakes has to be the fake one. Right?
@wildrose_2 No ma’am. I killed 8 snakes that way that summer! I talked myself into it because I knew if I did not do it, some 11-year-old would walk to the potty in the night without shoes even-though-they-were-instructed-to-wear-shoes and step on the snake and then have to go to the hospital. I am not brave, just practical.
@thirteendogs Wow!
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I have no idea which one is fake, but I believe the snake-killing one purely because it sounds so ridiculous it has to be true.
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I was never a server. I have terrible balance. I marvel at those who can carry trays of things without dropping them!
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