I Can’t Stop Smiling!

My early morning wake-up alarm to take my new thyroid pill and obligatory bathroom break caused me to walk into the dark kitchen area of my daughter’s home to discover a very excited six-year-old waiting to share the good news of the Tooth Fairy’s very first visit!  This was followed with the good news that Mom’s 2nd round of chemotherapy which concluded yesterday did not make her feel bad, so I got to take her to a Lunch Bunch group of her high school friends which meets once every other month at a Dallas restaurant.  I then drove (3½ hours) home to change into cute shoes and attend a very awesome concert of Mindi Abair and the Boneshakers quite near my home at Dosey Doe.  Keith and I have been privileged to hear both Mindi and the Boneshakers band which is headed by Randy Jacobs separately and together many times in the past.  We had tickets tonight with Bill and Cindy McNamara, but Bill is being attacked by allergies, so Dave and Susie O’Neil attended with us.  The music (and food) was awesome!  And THEN one final nightcap: I just listened to a voicemail message from my sister who was with Mom this evening when the Neulasta device was finished doing its job. Sis asked Mom how she was feeling, and Mom answered, “I had a lovely day. I don’t know what people do if they don’t have daughters.”

Again, I can’t stop smiling!

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April 26, 2019

Now you are making me smile too😊

April 26, 2019

Aw, all this is so great, and I am happily smiling too!! 🙂