I am recovering from a foot surgery, which is turning out to be harder than I thought it would be (and also harder than Hubby expected – ugg! marriage challenge!)
MiddleSon has made it to Christchurch, New Zealand for a semester at Canterbury University. He caused me extra stress as I prepared for and just after my surgery due to his failure to complete the tasks necessary to study abroad… but it is all taken care of and he is where he needs to be, so FINALLY, i am relaxed and concentrating on healing.
What did I have done? I have had the same bunion since jr high which i simply bought shoes around, but since mid-november the big toe joint next to it grew a ganglion cyst, which I did not know what it was other than a growing 2nd bunion bump only more painful which visibly grew before our eyes each week. Yuk! and Yuk!
RYN: That is pretty funny. I hope he enjoys it here and gets to meet some really great people 🙂
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