3 words

Only 3 word answers. No more, no less.

It’s harder than you think.

stolen from Suckmykiss….the only person i read on this thing

1. Where is your cell phone?
A-  up my sleeve

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife?
A-is texting me

3. Your hair?
A- wild and curly

4. Where is your father?
A- no fn clue

5. Cheesecake?
A- with some strawberries?

6. Your favorite thing to do?
A- right now, sleep

7. Your dream last night?
A- slept like dead

8. Your favorite drink?
A- ice cold dew

9. Car You Want?
A- my very own

10. The room you’re in?
A-  telephone bank room

11. George Bush?
A- a freakin geeneeass

12. What’s your biggest fear?
A- clowns are creepy

13. Nipple rings?
A- just my left

14. Who will you hang out with tonight?
A- family and pets

15 Go check GoofyAuctions.com and give your opinion?
A- no thanks, really

17. One of your wish list items?
A- bags of money

18. Where did you grow up?
A- Kalamazoo Michigan, USA

19. The last thing you did?
A-  took a call

20. What are you wearing?
      the normal stuff

21. Tattoo?
A-   I have two

22. Ketchup?
A-  no thank you

23. Your computer?
A-   is a pos

24. Your life?
A-   is never normal

25. Your mood?
A- bored at work

26. Missing?

      A few people

27. What are you thinking about right now?
A-  my comfy bed

28. Your car is?
A-   a Nissan extera

29. Your work?
A-   drives me mad

30. Your summer?
A-   is not over

31. Your relationship status?
A-   engaged and happy

32. Your favorite color(s)?
A-   blues and greens

33. When is the last time you laughed?
A-   sometime this morning

34. Last time you cried?
      I can’t say

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August 22, 2007

your cell phone is up you sleeve? lol