POEM (066) Darkness My Dear

Darkness My Dear


Enclosed behind the doors,
caught in-between floors,
personal purgatory persisted,
unleashed a head un restricted.
Darkness, my dear he falls,
brought from the merging halls,
I hear his crashing over head,
I know he’s fallen from my bed.
Bring down rain, breeze on hail,
a head, a thought, off its rail,
come see through hazel eyes,
a mind, a culture to despise.
Darkness, my dear she calls,
knock, knock, knocking cracked walls,
I hear intentional silence,
shall I repent?
Cut off to think as unbound in one,
writing an unchained song,
I see the sounds of grey,
the colours of verbal dismay.
Darkness, my dear I called,
hearing the internally unheard,
Darkness, my dear I’m here,
My dear…

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