Why I’m right and you’re wrong – again

So in trying to source a couple of decent but cheap laptop screens for a couple laptops I had in my garage, I turned to local sources to see if I could find something quick and simple.
I shot out a few emails to local computer sales offices here in red deer, knowing I probably wouldn’t get an answer or would get an answer with extreme pricing.
Well, I got one reply – and this is how it went:

My Email out-
"Hi there, I’m looking for a price on a couple of 13.3" LCD screens for a couple of laptops.
Do you guys sell parts like this? Thanks."

Hi, I’m (insert douchebag name here) from (insert computer company name here),
I got your email about the laptop screen you were looking for, However in order to help you I’m going to need the S/N and make/model of the laptops.

My ‘wtf’ Reply –
"The laptops are a macbook and an Acer. I don’t have model numbers at the moment as I’m not near them at all. The model # of the screens I am looking for is LP133WX1. Thanks.

A couple of days go by with no replies. Then on the third day, I get three emails, all from different people yet from the same company, essentially saying the same thing:

Hi, I’m (insert douchebag name here) from (insert computer company name here),
We will need to S/N of your laptops in order to find the screens you are looking for. The screen model number does us no good as the connectors are different for every computer as well as backlight type. Please locate the make/model and S/N of your laptops and reply back. If you’ve found a source please let us know so we can cancel this WO.

My ‘You’ve got to f’king kidding me’ Reply-
Is this a joke? Do you people know anything about computers at all? How are you able to run a computer business with no knowledge on the products whatsoever??
I don’t know where you’re getting your info, but you don’t need a serial number to look up a laptop screen. A serial number means nothing. Make and models are fine, but there are specific backlight types that make/model numbers will not fill you in on.
Let me offer you some free education. The screen model number I provided gives you everything you need to know about the screen I was needing: LG133WX1. LP=LG/Philips (brand) 133= 13.3" (size) WX1=CCFL (backlight type)
You have officially wasted my time and have proven to be completely useless, thank you for nothing, please cancel this work order.

Sometimes, I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

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whatever dude, clearly you’re just a jackoff douchenut who thinks he’s top **** or something. yeahhhh.. i can smell a loser a mile away. lemmie guess… no job, no car, lives with mama, smokes lots of weed .. yeah. bang on. get a life dillhole.

October 26, 2012

That’s sweet, but wrong. I have a career, not just a job. A beautiful wife, two vehicles, and I don’t live with my mom. Smokes a lot of weed? Sure, if you’d count smoking a bowl at night “a lot of weed”. Perhaps my elaborate computer knowledge (that is, knowing what part numbers mean?) has frightened you. I apologize.