We’re sorry, your call cannot be

completed as dialled. Please hang up and try your call again. For operator assistance, please hang up and dial ‘0’.

Makes me ponder how many people hung up the phone and dialled zero without picking the phone up again first.

So there’s this guy, who pretty much confesses his undying love for my wife every month or so (give or take),
And though that never bothered me before (with a mindframe of "if she wanted to be with him, she’d probably be")

– But now, He’s applied where she works. He’ll more than likely get the job, as the only worthy candidate (so I’ve been informed)
I guess that sets me off. I just feel this archaeic primal fear in me that wants to wave my arms frantically and protect "MINE".

I’m sure it will amount to nothing,

But I certainly don’t care for it.


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this is your wife hacking you. so: he’s annoying as all hell and still bugs me. I remain friendly but curt with him in a professional manner at all times, and I love you. You piss me off, drive me crazy…and the idea of spending the rest of my life with you pissing me off and driving me crazy makes me smile – so you know I must love you.