Vrei sa pleci

dar nu ma, nu ma iei, Nu ma, nu ma iei, nu ma, nu ma, nu ma iei.
Chipul tau si dragostea din tei, Mi-amintesc de ochii tai.

It’s wierd, I’m starting to remember my dreams again, in short little snippets throughout the day. It’s not enough to bring back the full dream, but just enough to have the slightest glimmer of memory. I’ve found from past experiences that these recollections don’t last long, and before the week is up I’ll be back to not knowing what I dreamt about (or really caring, for that matter)

Last nights was wierd, I don’t know the beginning or the end, But for some reason I was running through my elementary school gymnasium…The one in crescent beach, not the first elementary I went to…anyways, It was familiar except different, There was the stage built into the wall (always creeped me out) and ropes hanging from the ceiling and the old pull-out jungle bars. "despre tine" by O-zone was playing, for some odd reason, it was just the whistling part of the song though. I finally reached the doors leading to outside, but when I went through them, it led into yet another gymnasium, almost identical – minus every "thing". There were men working behind construction tape (that yellow "warning" kind) but none of them seemed to take notice I was running through. The gym was slowly being built or worked on in some way, everything was brighter than the previous room, and I was still running. I reached the second set of doors, which, in real life, would have led outside to a sand and gravel walkway, a chain link fence, and then the street. When I managed to burst through the doors, I found myself in a muddy pit – the kind they dig when they’re going to pour cement in to create a foundation for a building? The chain link fence was at the very end of the pit, but there was no way out. My pace slowed to a walk, and I was just walking around in this muddy pit.

The recollection fades there, I’m not sure what that is. They say the brain works continuously 24/7, so my brain was just tossing random shit in there to keep me sleeping I’m guessing.


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