That moon landing thing.

That’s one small step for man,
one GIANT LEAP for mankind.

I’m not one of those nutcases you see running around egging the surviving astronauts and screaming "you’re a phony! a fuckin’ fake!"….That’s just mean. And I’m not one of those conspiracy theorists that believes anything just because.
I wasn’t even alive in 1969. I didn’t get to watch the grainy black and white blur that was the moon landing.
– But I’m sure we’ve ALL seen the repeats. Hell, even discovery channel (a reputable channel, sometimes) aired a special all about how the moon landing was more than likely a fake…or was it?!

Aye, here I am, insisting that I’m not one of those people…..but at the same time, I’m probably-pretty-more-than-sure-sort-of-kinda leaning towards "faked". As I wasn’t there, I’m leaving this one to collective evidence and speculation.

I don’t give a shit about how there’s no air in space and the flag moves. I don’t care about the shadows moving several ways.  

I’ve got my own intended evidence of possible fraudulence:

1: The US was all about beating the russians (this was before they found out that the russians are completely retarded and useless) And so the political pressure was maximum in that timeframe to put a man on the moon. The US government concocting some kind of elaborate scheme to make themselves look good to the american public? Nah, they’d NEVER do that!

2: Take a look at some popular mechanics magazines from that era:
Now you tell me….In a time filled with crystal AM radios and barely newfound technology, In a world where personal computers filled a fucking room the size of your house and a network of anything was unheard of and incomprehensible….We somehow managed to build a vaccuum tight spacecraft, flew it 380,000KM (235,000Miles) with people inside, landed it on a rock, and got out and walked around? I dunno. Doesn’t seem that likely, not in 1969.

My Father’s reaction to my points are of course, the reaction of everyone over 45: "I know it happened, I SAW IT on television with my own two eyes!"

Yeah, well, for a generation of people reprimanding their children with "Don’t believe everything you see on T.V." you’re pretty god damned smug, aren’t you?

Which brings me to my last point:

3: Somehow, in 1969, they had radio communication between the earth and the moon? Not only that, but a live television broadcast as well? Wait a minute….Something’s not right here. In every re-run I’ve ever seen, you clearly hear the folks at "NASA" speaking one-on-one with the astronauts. Very simple communication, but no lag, Not even a second! So in 1969 we somehow had better radio communication than we do in modern day? That doesn’t seem right. And a live TV broadcast from 380,000 Km away? Give me a break.

4: Where’s that goddamn lander? – To date, I’ve seen only a handful of photo’s from NASA showing the crap we supposedly left on the moon –
Problem is, those pictures aren’t exactly HD. Tiny little dots on the moon with arrow’s pointing at them saying "This is what we say it is" are hardly considerable evidence of …well, anything. Take a close up picture, boys, or face that fact that somebody out there is going to call bullshit. Interestingly enough, There’s a photo on the supplied link above of buzz aldrin standing on the moon. Looking at it, it seems so…perfect….almost too perfect. Crisp, clear, nothing is blurred. So if they had this kind of imagery back then why wasn’t it used during the entire trip? Why were the american people fed blurry black and white shit? Because someone might see the set?

Fuck, I’m really going off on this moonlanding thing….

Like I said, I can’t definitively say that the moon landing didn’t take place….I wasn’t there. All I can say is that it’s looking highly unlikely that this happened, given the technology at the time. Disagree or not, It’s not like it’s a huge issue.

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