Some folks are born, made to wave the flag

Oh, they’re red white and blue.
And when the band plays "hail to the cheif"
Oh, they’ll point the cannon at you.

You never really think of dreams as being connected somehow, save for reoccuring dreams, but even those are just the same dream over and over. Or maybe a few nights in a row you’ll have dreams that play out like a movie….
Years ago, some years now, I had experimented with dream journaling (because it was the thing to do, for me anyways) and included things like "took x amount of such and such before bed" or "drank heavily – no dreams"
One of those dreams, I recall (only now, and you’ll understand why momenterily) involved myself driving my car into the fraser river, trying to save the car but ultimately losing it to the waters, and watching it slowly drift away, taking out buildings and bridges and the like on the way down. (oddly enough there are no buildings on the fraser river in that area…bridges, yes)

I have personally experienced things that I’ve dreamt about, only to have the epiphany later on that ‘Hey, I totally had a dream I did this’ – but this is different. This is a whole new subconcious level I was unaware of, some kind of dream logbook that noted what I had dreamt about only to recount said dreams later on, in this case a mere 10+ years down the line. It was a few nights ago, this dream, and involved myself and a few other faceless dream people. We were driving on a bridge, coincidentally over the fraser river. The river has long since dried up to a slim stream of nothing – apparently I was on a tour, with the faceless driver giving notations as to the history of the river.
Lo and behold – we drive past the place where my previous dream had taken place. And there – amongst reckage of building and bridge supports – my car. The faceless driver explained that ‘not a lot was known about what happened, but someone had had an accident which led to the car in the river and thus annihilating a few buildings and the train bridge.’

I woke up slightly after gasping "…the fuck?" (Because even in my dream, I knew that I had dreamed this, and it was too much "inception" based shit for me to handle)

I really just found it strange to dream about something I had done in a dream in the past, and it had aged as if it were real.

We’re officially at the one month away mark – My baby girl is due May 18th, and though it may be a bit before or a bit after, I’m going to call this the one month mark. Transitioning from "parent to be" to "parent in the making" is tolling on the mind. I’m sure any new parent would agree – I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified….But at the same time I’m content and happy to be able to have the chance.
Ariel and I are going to be wonderful parents, I’m sure, our combined skills, loving, nurture, and all out easy going nature makes it so that this kid is going to know only the best of the world. I’m sure there will be shit times, but that goes without saying. Everyone has to deal accordingly, and we will too.
Less terrified, more anticipation. I’m at the point where I just want to hold the little girly. Look at her. Tell her "I wuv you".

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