Rotten Apple.

We’ve all seen the macintosh ads on tv,
with the casually dressed "college" guy, and the backyear dressed "business" guy
Both banter back and forth – the ultimate point meaning to say "apple is better".

Case Number 2010 – Apple versus the world:

While I don’t have anything against apple "perse", I did grow up in a world of PC, in fact rightly before apple had even made itself a viable footprint in the computing world. PC was all we had – all we knew – all that was. And then along came a little company by the name of macintosh….and even that word today brings to mind the nostalgic noise of a macintosh apple I booting up.

Little known fact: Founder of apple and founder of microsoft used to be buds. Used to work together, but apple founder jerkface mcgee decided powerpc was better in some fashion, and bill "superstar" gates decided he liked IBM’s use of Intel, and both went their seperate ways, forever to be deemed as enemies in a world run by microchips.

The first time I was blatantly forced to use a mac was in school….You see, Apple’s genius factor was simple: Provide cheap effective computers to schools across north america and dominate the market. The idea was simple: if kids grew up learning to use the machines in school, they’d more than likely purchase them for home use.
Fair enough, marketing is marketing, and all is fair in business and war. But the idea never stuck with me, even at that early age I knew a defunct machine when I saw one. The ports were standarized and simple – yet strange, everything was proprietary and could ONLY be used with a mac. And the operating system….Oh my, was that a disaster. Eject a disk? Drag the whole item to the garbage can! Sure! That makes PERFECT sense!

Fast Forward twenty years: Mac has officially branded itself as "Apple Inc." and continues to pump out computers, Mp3 players, and now cell phones. – Let’s talk about that, shall we?

 Apple computers have tossed the powerPC processor in favour of Intel’s design. They are running on x86 architecture, which PC has been using from the beginning (nevermind x64 which will never support anything apple). So in fact, you spend $1600.00 on a brand spanking new mac that has the exact same hardware as the $300 PC you could have (should have) bought. Essentially you are paying $1300 for an inferior operating system, and though most mac users will disagree with me, it IS inferior.
Key points –
– The latest version of the mac OS is designed to run hand in hand with Windows XP, including a feature which allows you to switch over to WinXP from inside your MacOSX. (this is equal to mcdonalds selling burger king whoppers)
– Mac is user  friendly over function. Everything is indeed stupidly easy to use, but whatever happened to being able to DO ANYTHING with your computer? You paid for it, shouldn’t you be able to do what you want?

MP3 players – oh, the ipod.
From the mere moment the iPod was born, I knew that it would become the be all and end all of MP3 players. Not because it was good (sporting a monochrome screen, and a clickwheel that was revolutionarily terrible), but because apple hyped it like they invented the mp3 format themselves. Before iPod, there was several significantly better options out there, but the new technology wasn’t strong enough to stand on it’s own. Enter Apple’s marketing – Hey, Kids! DANCE TO THIS SHIT! GET A FUCKING IPOD! BEG YOUR PARENTS! EVERYONE HAS ONE!
Let me break this down: Flash memory is incredibly cheap. Touch screens are in everything these days, why? CHEAP. Even the prorietary apple "look" of the iTouch or iPhone is twenty cents worth of plastic and glue. Allow me to let you in on a secret, folks. Apple has these devices made in china (yup, china. everything apple comes from china) and the total cost of slapping together an iphone is about ten dollars, and that’s including worker’s pay. Mass production is incredibly cheap.
And yet – You, silly consumer, shell out over $400 for these things because….well, I hate to say it, but because you’ve fallen for the hype.
Apple marketing=10 billion – You=0

And finally – Cell phones.
I admit it. I wanted an iphone. I really, truly did. Maybe the hype got to me, Maybe the all-in-one device stroked my technolust just the right way, who knows. All I knew then was that I wanted one.
Sadly, I never could afford one (still can’t!) and to this day I have never owner or operated an iPhone (the closest I got was owning an iPod touch for about a month and a bit)
I’m honestly going to say that I’m glad I didn’t slurge on the device, given the bevy of issues and neverending complaints about apple’s service, insane firmware updates, hack protection, and other means of taking the fun right out of  owning an expensive device.

And the conclusion is…

Apple Wants you to belive their products are better without actually saying the words "our product is better". The reason behind it is probably legal, and false advertising is illegal for just that matter.
The only thorn in my paw about apple is the fact that they will blatantly lie, cheat, and steal.

Apple computer users worldwide will smuggly tell you that they chose apple because "there’s no viruses!"
Think again, bozo, not only ARE there virusii, there has been since the beginning. MacOS has immensely NO protection against internet virusii….this because of the belief that there is no need for it. And now, since apple has introduced the intel mac, you’ve got DOUBLE the viruses to worry about! Everything made for a mac, and everything x86 based. The fact is: If there is a computing code out there – someone will make a virus for it. Nothing is safe.

Mere weeks after the release of the iPad, Apple workers in the foxxconn factory in China (where all your apple goodies come from) began commiting suicide at alarming rates. Official story is that they couldn’t handle the pressure of the demand for the device (seems to me that the overworking and underpaying may have been a factor, too) [cited from]

We all rememeber (those of us that are technolust run, anyways) when some doofus left his iPhone 4 in a bar. Doesn’t sound exciting, I know, but hold on! The significance is that this particular doofus worked for apple and was given an iPhone 4 prior to it’s release date for beta testing. Of course – someone found the new phone and sold it to an employee at engadget (that wonderful techie blog) who subsequently posted pictures and some info on the highly sought after device. Apple lawyers were all over that shit like flies on…well, shit. A cease and desist ensued and such, all in all engadget never did remove the post and Apple tucked the mistake under the rug where it lies to this day. No mention of punishment for the doofus employee, but I’m sure he got a severe firing and severence package.

And my final, most important notice:
Along with

the lack of customer service, Apple has added another doting unfriendly feature to it’s lineup of rotten customer treatment:
Steve jobs himself is replying to queries on the signal issues with the iPhone 4. A user simply reports that his iPhone loses all signal when he’s holding his phone with his fingers touching a certain metallic portion. Steve jobs reply was less to be desired: "Just avoid holding the phone that way".
Wait a minute, what? No "I’m sorry about the issue" or "we’ll get right on that!" or even an "I apologize for your disappointment"???
Any person that has worked in customer service for more than two seconds KNOWS firsthand that a comment like "you’re just holding it wrong!" is a fireable offence. This is what you’ve paid $700 for? A phone that you can’t "hold a certain way" because then it won’t work?

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*Muffin* Love this – Mac is for tools. PC forever!

August 21, 2010

I am now on my 4th Iphone…Ihpone 4 and it is past awesome!!!! Gets more signal than any other…twice the battery life and i can hold it anyway i want…got an MacBook wouldn’t trade for any PC in the world!! All I can say on Iphones, Ipads, and Macs is AWESOME AWESOME..never will go back and I’ve always had ATT and so therefore, with upgrade ours always cost 199.00. Try one, you’ll change

September 6, 2010

I read your whole article, yes.