November 2nd, 2009

Seems like years just come and go now,
With very little hesitation or friction to slow them.
It’s funny how you get older without realizing that
the days just kind of slip by you.

Carpe diem, anyone?

I’ve been feverish since friday. It’s light, nothing I can’t handle. The one (and possibly the only) good thing about having horribly rotten teeth is that you KNOW when you are sick or getting sick….your teeth hurt. A lot. Feeling pretty sickly today, Massiv headache and upset stomach, but no days off from work, I can’t afford to miss the work.

You are my whole world, my everything, I miss you when you sleep, when you’re there, when you’re not.
If I could I’d count the ways I love you, but I don’t have enough fingers. There are nights when I am awake and can’t seem to sleep, and for the most part I’ll cuddle up to you and listen to your soft breathing, coupled with your warmth, it puts me right out.
You are the warmth in my bed of life, If you want me to put it that way. You’re still the best thing that ever came into my life, and if you ever left I’d be empty and hollow and every other synonym for dead. I just used the word synonym without knowing what it means, here’s hoping I used it correctly to avoid looking stupid. I want you to know (and know well) that there’s nothing in this life I wouldn’t do for you, or try to do for you, as long as you’re happy. This is my ultimate goal. Be happy, marry me, and I will die with a smile.
You are my everything <3

We shall all regret the overuse of our hand sanitizers and clorox bleach wipes. Swine flu will overtake and kill off the less fortunate. I believe natural selection has struck again. Wait a minute, It’s the fucking flu. Quit freaking out, take some bloody nyquil, you’ll be fine.
As for injecting yourself with something that had no clinical trials, I’ll say no thank you. I don’t care for needles, or long lines, or the fact that you’re waiting in line only to be stabbed with a needle by some old bitty named gertrude. No, No thank you. I’m pretty sure swine flu isn’t half as bad as norwalk virus, and I lived through that.

"Kids, thank your father for the inoculations!"
Bart and Lisa, rubbing their arms and looking generally pissed – "thanks, dad"


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November 3, 2009

<3 Awsies~! xoxoxoxoxoxo Loves~!

Aaah, fuck swine flu. It’s porcupine flu you REALLY gotta worry about.