I-mesh and the great becoming

The future is X-rated.

If you haven’t seen the movie idiocracy, please do so before indulging in the words I am about to speak, for it will make a lot more sense if you do.

Our future is demise. Or doom, but I prefer demise. However you want to detail it, we as "mankind" are ultimately fucked as a species, and the kicker is that it’s our own doing. (but we’ve known about that for ages). I speak not of greenhouse gas, or toxic emissions, or oil spills or giant volcanoes, nay, I speak of mankind and his information superhighway we know today as the "internet".

Our journey began some time back in the 50’s when computers were as big as a two storey house and about as powerful as your desktop calculator. "Networking" back then involved miles of cable and routing processes that would bring einstein to a tearful fetal position. BUT, it was done. It was professors in schools of the highly educated that figured out how to send information in the form of bits and bytes across lines to other computers. In 1966, the army used this process to form ARPANET.
The men involved had no idea that the technology they had created in their humble time was the beginning of the end for mankind.

It was until the 1990’s that computers were affordable and "powerful" enough to bring the internet into people’s homes. This still involved miles of cabling (supplied by your dear telecom supplier) and the rate of speed was astonishingly slow. However manking prevailed – and onto the next tier we rode. Fast forward to the 2000’s era, when broadband was announced, fibre optic cabling was pursued and the internet became the world’s first instant-gratification, always-on form of communication in the modern household.

Further down the rabbit hole. Kids utilized the technology at first, but as we grow as a species we have become enabled, a "plugged in" form of life. Babies are born with fucking USB ports. Children cry at christmas if there isn’t an "i-something" under the tree. Porn is the largest market in the entire world. On a global scale, what we as man represent, is the ability to log on and watch people fucking, 24/7, 365, anytime, anywhere we fucking want.

The lies, the lies, and the dumbing down of man.
OK, but we still have one free hand to download information at an amazing rate, right? The knowledge of the universe is literally at our fingertips, and we can access it from at LEAST sixteen products around you, the reader, at this very moment. As you read this there are WIFI and 4G signals prancing around you, begging to be used.
Unfortunately, when it comes to making it things accessible, there’s a slight issue – Laziness. We want it fast, instant, right-fucking-now, and we don’t want it any other way. If there’s not an app for that, fuck it, I’m not getting out of bed today. Rely on our apps for heart monitoring, security, time, health, and everything else under the sun (which has it’s own app I’m sure)
So retard our brains, dear internet and devices linked. Our children aren’t stupid, they are born to be dumb. No one can spell, grammar barely exists, and using number in place of words has become socially acceptable. Is this ax-sept-bbl 2 U?
Where before the was the question "Do we really need to know what your friends and family are doing/eating/thinking/shitting every second of every day?" Now there is the plain answer – Of course, what a silly question! If I didn’t check facebook and twitter every five minutes, I’d surely die! HOW ELSE WOULD I KNOW WHAT MY BUDDY STEVE ATE FOR LUNCH TODAY!?!?

And so therein lies the idiocracy. We as a species are becoming complete fucking morons. Drowned out in a plethora of internet lies, propaganda, and bad grammar. I’d had some hope for our future at one point, but the more time goes on, the more that pipedream goes right out the fucking window.

I hate you, humanity, and everything you’ve done. Leave it to man to take the greatest gift of all – limitless knowledge – take a big giant shit on top of it, and post it to instagram for the world to see.


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