Fuck you (an ode to no one)

That’s right! ball!

Congratulations, Canada. You voted the conservatives into office, and they’ve gone and run our country into the ground….Which, if you go back a ways in my opendiary, you’ll see that it’s EXACTLY what I said would happen. Vulgarity aside (you fucking retarded goat fuckers) I do believe Canada now owes me a giant fucking apology. (except for those that voted liberal or NDP, cause, well, gjkthx)

I never thought I’d see the day where the americans get a nigger in the white house and Alberta joins in recession. WHAT THE HELL is going on?? A province built completely on top of oilsands, and we’re now in recession? IS this possible? I’m not sure what to say here, folks. We’ve got all hell for a basement, so the song says, and that heaven in alberta is slowly turning to pigshit and all because YOU decided it would be a good idea to vote the conservatives in (I’m sure there’s more to it than that, but we can’t blame ontario for everything…..can we?)

It’s not that I’m into politics, I’m just right choked. My company decided yesterday that they wanted to put me on temporary layoff. TEMPORARY LAYOFF? THE FUCK IS THAT. FUCK the recession and FUCK your business bullshit. I am needed, and you and I both fucking know it. Without me, this business shuts down in less than a month. So my dad comes up with some hairbrain brilliance and tells the heads that each other employee will take four days off of their own salary to pay mine.

Great. So I keep my job but everyone hates me. Wonderful.

I am so sick and tired of jobs, recessions, politics and everything in between

Win massive copious amounts of money so that darling and I can live out the rest of our days on a sunny beach in barbados (except with those special nasa suits you saw on the maury show ’cause we both hate the sun)

Fuck it. You and me babe, mickey and malorie style. You be the malorie to my mickey and we’ll kill them all, we’ll kill each and every last mother fucker and we’ll move on to brazil. I love you. You’ll be my malorie, won’t you? (sha, ‘cept like, way hotter)

I don’t fucking think I fucking swore enough in this fucking cunt entry, fuck.



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March 5, 2009

o.o bear you never tolds me about what teh company is trying to do, omg come home and give details! I’m sposed to know aboot this stuff first! Gah! xo