Back to basics.

**Note: this has been sitting on private for about three months now. I’m posting it public because I pretty much won’t finish it. I mean I would but I’m far too bored with the monotony of killing bitches. So, fill the ending in on your own. Make it sick. Go ahead, unleash your inner uncle fucker. And here you go:


"you see, ‘love’ cannot be defined. It’s an arbutrary feeling or, what I can call a ‘side-effect’ of a certain mixture of brain chemicals. A certain person can bring these chemicals to life in your mind, and the loss of said person will cause a recoil – or withdrawl – of those brain-chemicals, giving one a pathetic ‘sinking heart’ feeling. It’s all a bunch of bullshit, a concoction dreamed up by man to show a weakness to the weaker sex, as if to pull a man down to a woman’s level – "

"So you don’t believe in love?" She interjected;

I paused. Her inquiring eyes loomed at me from the passenger seat; Bright green, like gemstones. A redhead was out of my routine regime, but her pale, smoothly toned skin was to die for, quite literally.

"You haven’t been listening – it’s not something you can ‘believe’ or ‘not-believe’ in, simply something science has determined, in actuality, to be chemically induced. My experimentation, though highly unorthodox on some levels of humanity, are incredibly precise."

"So you make women fall in love with you, and then what? Break it off?" She queried, a sly smile puckering her cherry-red lips. She crossed her arms in such a fashion that brought her bust to a cleavage of maximum; I stared (politely as possible) and retorted –

"In a manner of speaking, yes. But again, you’ve got to understand that this is on the level of scientific fact – I don’t ‘make’ anyone do anything, I simply allow those brain chemicals to form, and carry out my work as necessary. The subject is free to leave at any time."

"So you must have a lot of women out there with plenty of hatred for you?" She asked, a hint of distaste in her voice, quickly hidden by a deep breath in and out. Her breasts lunged at me from every angle. I stared (politely as possible).

A red light beaconed a brief but shining moment in my though process. I slowed the vehicle to a cautious stop, and replied:

"You’d be surprised to know that I am not hated by any living creature, female or not." I quipped, content with my mysterious-but-not-quite-misleading comment. "But back to my work. As you are now aware of what I do, I cannot go about things as I normally would. However, this may actually work in your favour – I’m going to give you a choice. You may either a) Become a subject of mine and work willingly with me as I so please, or, b) You may leave this vehicle right now, and carry out your life as normal."

"Alright….no guy has ever said that to me before, but if you’ve got the cash you said you did, I’ll be staying in the car, honey."  She replied without hesitation.

I pulled two hundred dollar bills from my pocket and laid them neatly on the dashboard.  "So let’s begin."


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June 14, 2010

Were you writing a book or something here? Why don’t you finish it? Or did this conversation actually happen?….just wondering… Hope you are doing well, Love, Susan **Let me hear from you sometime, miss our visits