A place for my head

I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don’t understand 
I want to be in the energy, not with the enemy
A place for my head

Michael Jackson is dead. It’s sad, to say the least, and not just the death itself; but the inevitable exploitation of this death that will surely come in a matter of mere days. I wasn’t what you’d call an avid fan – Music-wise, A few catchy songs come to mind, but other than that, I can’t say I particularly enjoyed nor wanted to spend money on the music of the so called pop king. That poor man, with his lupus, and vitiligo, and all the bullshit that the public put him through. Let me tell you, it’s sad because we NEED wierdo’s like michael jackson.

Oh well. I guess he’ll be moonwalking and crotch grabbing his way through the afterlife, be there one. The only question remaining is WHY COULDN’T IT HAVE BEEN JANET???!?

And several hours later, it reminisces itself, an after-dawn-only epiphany that presented in one simple way: headache. The mass of tissue and nerve that once compiled my brain has hemmoraged, and bleeds internally, only to put pressure on an already bled out entirety. My body weakens it’s structure again, and I yearn for strength as muscle tissue breaks down. My pookie-kittie licks at my face, puzzled by my trance. From the moments after my head came into contact with the softness of the bedroom wall, a self inflicted wound to stop the madness of proclaiming thoughts, I could sense the change. A dream-like state, eyes unable to focus, rapid blinking and bloodlust. I can taste the metallic rank of blood on the back of my tongue, still, several hours later. I’m still unsure of whether I am awake or asleep, and malais and nausea have set in. Smoke a cigarette, It’ll be ok.

And Rescue me, true destiny, through mentality, it’s said to be, I am me, and me I am, too young to know the difference but too old to know better. Rapid changes pace the day. Sudden urge to remain decayed. Oh god, I’ve gone insane.

Complications make the better of things, and I am set for sleep, I bid you all a goodnight, and good rest, may it ease the throbbing pain in my head.


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June 26, 2009

RYN: Most women don’t think. They spend time coming up with convoluted justifications for their emotion-driven actions. I generally wind up thinking until I’ve overridden my instincts with all that “logic” shit, and wind up making terrible decisions. I’m pretty sure I’m worse at life than most the other vags.

Oh yeah? And you can call judgement on me from one entry can you? Who are you, anyway?

July 5, 2009

lol! thank you for ur note. it made me laugh! im curious…whats wrong with canadian indians? lol

ryn: If someone offers you a piece of McDonalds hamburger or a piece of prime steak, what are you going to choose? Masturbation isn’t quite in the steak leagues. I need pussy, my friend. Pussy.

ryn: Sadly, yes, I frown upon rape. Bit of a no-no, in my book.