3 things that I need to get off my chest

The internet is a foul, dirty place,
Filled with nothing but misinformation and blatant lies,
Scouring through the masses for anyone that will pay attention,
And believe every last word like it’s the fucking bible.
Hail to you, Internet, controller of the people, god of mankind.

 1. GMO or Genetically Modified Organisms will kill you to death!!
False. GMO’s are regular fucking fruits and vegetables.
People seem to go nuts about this, and I mean they really do. They hear "genetically modified" and seem to think there’s a lab somewhere that grows oranges and fucking tomatoes out of test tubes and chemicals. Wrong.
All they do is take the best shit from certain plants, for example – Let’s say you grow marijuana. Your crop is fairly small and you have four plants, out of which one plant has larger buds than the rest. What do you do? You take the seeds from that plant and cross it with another plant to create a super plant. Huzzah! Genetically modified weed!
Now I know I’ve heard this
"I keep seeing giant (insert veggie/fruit)’s and it just doesn’t seem right! OMgz! Can’t be good for you!"
Seriously? So you’re getting more of something for less money and you’re fucking complaining? 
Shut up and eat your veggies.
To date there are NO scientifically proven ill effects of GMO’s, and there never will be. It’s just regular, grown from the ground god damned fruits and vegetables.

1.(a) The pesticides they use will kill you to death, again!!! 
You’ve seen the scare tactic ads all over facebook and twitter, The one’s showing the dude at some random farm spraying down plants with pesticides while wearing a respirator – a caption will read "If it’s not safe to breathe, how is it safe to eat?"
Let me start by saying this – There’s TONS of shit in the world that isn’t safe to breathe that is perfectly fine to eat. How about water? Breathe a cup of that in, see how that goes for you. I digress….
False. Pesticides have been used since dickety-2, When man developed something to kill the asshole bugs that eat half our crops. No one likes bugs, especially after eating half an apple and then finding a nasty bug infestation in it.
They aren’t spraying the crops with stricknine, this isn’t agent orange. It’s a watered down version (thanks to some retarded american tree huggers that passed a law stating we couldn’t use the good stuff anymore) of household roundup. Yes, it’s poisonous if inhaled in large quantities. It also breaks down chemically the moment it exits the hose, and continues to break down as it sits out in the field.
You’d have to eat two entire crops worth of fruit to get any kind of ill effect from the chemicals used, and if you’re not washing your fruits and veggies before you consume them, You deserve it.
I think it’s fantastic that there’s dipshits out there willing to pay the big bucks for "all organic, all natural" foods, But I caution them: There is no actual law or rule on labelling foods as "organic", essentially the company you buy this from could be buying from the same grocery store you refused to buy from. Suckers.

2. Gun laws are so pointless! People keep shooting people ’cause they’re crazy, not because they have free access to weapons!
Ok, I know this one seems like a joke, but it’s not. People are ACTUALLY saying these words.
The latest in the very real, I assure you that this is real, online fight about gun laws.
So every time there’s a shooting in the states now, someone says it – "Yeah, those gun laws sure are working!"
False. You asshats don’t have gun laws. I know for a fact that any red blooded american can ride their tractor-mower down to the wal mart and buy any god damned gun they please, because god damnit, ‘MURICA.
Until that changes – and hopefully it does, but it more than likely won’t, There are going to be shootings. A lot of them.
"But criminals will use guns no matter what!!" 
Guess what, asshole? We’re not talking about criminals. We’re talking about everyday Joe ‘murica, who stumbles into daddy’s gun closet and shoots up his school. Or the guy who just wants some attention who buys a gun from the local shop and kills six or seven people on the way home. 75% of your shootings aren’t done by criminals, they’re done by the people who live on your fucking block.
And when you finally get it through your thick, moronic, (but oh so proud) american skulls that guns AREN’T A FUCKING RIGHT, then maybe, just maybe, you’ll put some gun laws into effect. And you’ll notice right away that since there’s laws about it, criminals with guns will be prosecuted and dealt with just like every other fucking country on this planet that isn’t YOU.
But since americans are fantastic at doing something completely fucked up, knowing it’s completely fucked up, and pretending that they don’t know it’s completely fucked up, there’s going to be lots and lots of shooting and killing, and they’ll blame it on crazy people. At least, that’s the latest trend. God damn I’m glad I don’t have to live in that country.

3. If you say "That’s gay" or "That’s retarded" You are an uneducated person that should rot in hell
False. That is both the gayest and most retarded thing I’ve ever heard of.
The only people that are upset about hearing "that’s so gay" is NO ONE. Not even gay people (and they get upset about fucking EVERYthing). The only reason that this is even an issue is because in some cramped office space somewhere someone overheard someone say to someone else "That’s so gay", and immediately became enraged by just how politically incorrect it is, unleashing his/her anger on the internet which spawned an entire fucking public cry of "oh noes! we might offend somebody!"
No one cares, and no one will ever care. Every single gay person I’ve ever met has said the phrase, so it’s not bothering them, and if it’s not bothering the gays, well, then it’s not really a problem, is it?
As for retarded, what can I say? So you have a retarded kid, is this the problem? No, because we don’t call retarded kids "retards" anymore, and we haven’t since 1978. So you’re getting upset because your re…er…"special needs" kid could possibly hear someone saying "oh man, that’s retarded" and somehow your re…uh…."special needs" kid is going to formulate in their special needs brain that this could somehow be linked to them? Unlikely.
Look, it’s quite simple: People say stupid phrases throughout generations. Far out, man, Can you dig it? It has absolutely nothing to do with calling someone gay or retarded, and everything to do with calling SOMETHING gay or retarded. Learn the difference, Get off your fucking period, and get with the times. The gay, retarded times.
Also, by getting upset about either of those phrases you are automatically both gay and retarded.



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March 13, 2013

If gun laws “work” in your opinion, then why is Chicago the country’s worst criminal state with the highest of everything? A city that has had a gun ban for every gun. Gun control does not work. You do realize that shootings happen ONLY in gun free zones? 9/11 terrorists didn’t need guns. Timothy McVey didn’t need a gun. You should rethink. People should be required to attend a gun safety class..

March 13, 2013

before they are allowed to own a gun. Us hunters are forced to take safety classes before we’re allowed to buy tags. We’re completely in support of it. Getting rid of guns will leave citizens without a proper way to protect ourselves against a criminal that has a gun. Also, hand guns, not “high powered riffles” are the gun of choice for criminals. Don’t feed on the lies and become a sheeple.

March 13, 2013

Owning a gun is our human right. Not just our CONSTITUTIONAL right. If having everyone own a gun is bad, why is Switzerland the safest country on the planet with the highest gun ownership? Criminals aren’t going to target if they think their life is put at risk by trained citizens with guns. Guess you haven’t heard all the good guns do as well. Educate yourself. Don’t repeat what you’ve heard.

March 18, 2013

I’m sorry, All I read in your response was “AYHUYCK, ‘MURICA!! YOU AINT ‘GON TAKE MY GUNS, ‘CUZ GOD DAMN ‘MERICA, GOD DAMNIT!”