
oh, you gonna take me home tonight
oh, down beside that red fire light
oh, you gonna let it all hang out
fat bottom girls, you make the rockin’ world go ’round

That has got to be one of my most favorite queen songs. Really stuck in my head today!
Reading a lot of random OD entries today. People are starting to really bother me….Whatever happened to life at hand? The here and now?  Who cares about politics and what colour the president is! Who cares about recessions and gas prices!

That being said, I’ve got to tell you, folks, the only thing making this "recession" happen is you. Yeah, YOU. Sitting there, behind your computer screen. GO OUT AND BUY SOMETHING. support your local market. Don’t piss and moan because pricing has upped a dollar or two. BUY SOMETHING. Let’s get work back to the people, for fucks sake.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter, because there are two definitive ends:

a) December 12, 2012. – Apparently, we’re all dead. The date is always different but the year is the same. 2012. The big planet dooming year. I don’t know if this is just hype or if the mayans may have had something, but hey, We’ll see in a few years, right?

b) The theory from that guy in that movie I saw that one time – Human beings are compared to a cancer, sucking up all natural host resources before moving to another spot and repeating, ultimately until all resources are gone and then we die. (this one seems rather likely, it’s showing moreso now than ever)

There are no secret hidden options. The change we so crave has begun to close its window. If anyone had actually listened to that fucking Al Gore dude and maybe actually done something about the environment, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Course, I’m no tree hugger. I fucking hate trees. ‘cept maybe maple trees, seeing as that wicked syrup comes out of them.

Ready for the solution? ok. Here it is. You may want to be taking notes:
1) LED lightbulbs, people. LED’s run between .5-15 watts compared to a standard 60-100watt bulb. AT LEAST switch over to compact flourescent. Your wallet will be that much fatter with all the savings in electricity.
2) Wash your freaking clothes in cold water. Washing in hot makes no bloody difference and just sucks up energy.
3) Smoke pot. Smoking pot prevents over-exhertion and therefor saves oxygen (ok, I made that one up)
4) Don’t use plastic. Plastic sucks balls and if you use it you are supporting americans and that’s just lame.
5) Smoke cigarettes (same as #4)

Shit. I went off on a thing there. I’ve got more…OH
I know I’ve ranted about this before. I know I have. It pissed me off then and it pisses me off now, but…

"Oh, rest in peace johnny, we loved you so much, such a terrible loss that life decided to take you away from us…"

Yes. this seems normal…Regular dead people being mourned by loved ones. This does not upset me. What gets me is that this douchebag died because he went out of bounds in a ski area.
DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO ANYONE? This moron deserves to be dead. What part of the big red sign that says "OUT OF BOUNDS/DANGER/DO NOT ENTER/YOU COULD DIE DUMBASS" in giant fucking letters did this retard not understand??
It bothers me, because now it’s life that decided to take him away. Really, no it wasn’t. Life watched and laughed as this R-tard bypassed all safety means to his untimely death.

Unfortunate? yes. Preventable? Most definetely. Solution? Teach your damn kids to read? Jesus christ.

Of course the christians would blame god and that is completely acceptable by me. Sure. God did it. Seems convenient. He was setting an example! He’s all up there like "I’ll kill off little johnny here by bypassing his free will and forcing him to be an idiot". And so, lessons were learned. It’s all explained in at least three very special episodes of seventh heaven, I swear it. Magical snakes and a Rib-woman and a dude that performed basic magic (cause honestly, criss angel has got SO MUCH on jesus, anyday) and so, so much more.

Screw it. I’ve done my tangent for today.


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March 12, 2009

Smoking pot gives you MAN TITTIES! 😛 Oh bear, so ranty, so angry with the world! Yes, people are dumb, essentially we’ve screwed shit over, and yeah, it’s retarded. BUT – let us do what WE can do, and not be angry. There’s an ‘Earl’ episode about this you should watch ^.^ xoxoxo loves!

March 12, 2009

If you have man titties they’re pretty fekken sad. I see no man titties. You’re a donkey balls. Love you.

March 16, 2009

“That’s the biggest problem with you americans.” Us Americans or most Americans? I find that attack offensive, and ironic. Because you attacked a nation of people, some of us who don’t believe in attacking, as attackers… How sad…

March 17, 2009

RYN: Let me spell it out for you. You knock Americans as being “attackers” and say that is our big problem. It is obviously your personal problem too. May I suggest a little less double standard? Oh, and since I respect Canada as a government and a country, in fact I look up to both, is that opinion feeble too? That is what you said, so I guess Canada is not a country to look up too?

March 17, 2009

It is funny how I respect your country, sometimes more so than my own, on certain issues, and you just flap off at the jaws… You remind me of… of… what is the word… Ah! Yes, you remind me of a typical AMERICAN! I will call you the American-Canadian! If you cannot understand what I just wrote, reading comp classes, and philosophy classes will help. Think outside the box.