will you remember me?

As we stood there, all huddled around the fire, that warm silence flowing throughout, I looked into each of your eyes and wondered…will you remember me? Will you remember this time when we’ve all gone away?

The stars twinkled above us, the still lake seemed to glow a majestic blue, and there we were. Time slowed to a crawl and noone moved. It plays back now like a thousand photographs in my head. More images than words can describe; more emotions than images can show. For the first time in an eternity the nine us were able to just be. No complications, frustrations or expectations. Just a shared moment.

Will you remember me?

I will always remember you.

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I had a few of those moments this weekend. A campfire ad a sunset over a still, calm river does that to me.

you’re such a good writer. i lvoe watching stars.


what’s your name?

Will you always remember me? I’m not so sure. We’ve had some fun times, sure, but am I really memory material? We shall see, I suppose.

April 11, 2018

I think this was written about a party at a friend’s cottage shortly after high school ended.

I remember I had just bought my first SLR camera (as I was going to college for photojournalism in the fall) and I shot a roll of terrible photos while trying to be artistic.

There was also a girl there I was crushing on terribly, despite her telling me months earlier that she wasn’t interested in a relationship. Oh the optimism of youth.