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It’d better, because considered as science fiction it’s TERRIBLE! 🙂 I am trying not to judge it TOO harshly because I saw it on an airplane and could hardly hear the dialogue. But what I did hear certainly did not impress me.

BTW, why “thescience”, if I may ask?

RYN: Thanks for the notes. I don’t find it at all surprising that an inner journey could lead to growth. I’ve been on a number of them myself… It’s just that it isn’t the only way, nor, in the long run I think, even the best way. We find God in each other, too – in the community. And best of all, in the places where HE decides to come to US.

If “going to Church” doesn’t seem to be “working” for you, I think you might want to ask yourself two questions: 1) What are your criteria for “working” – is it possible that you’ve missed something? and 2) What do you think is missing, and why? Remember, Catholic theology itself says that though the grace offered in the sacraments is infinite, we receive in proportion to our disposition.

RYN: Re: your situation, your g/f is a big girl. She can work out what’s best for her. Your job is to help her implement it, that’s all.

RYN: Almost forgot. I don’t think art and science are opposites at all, personally.

RYN: No, my pastor and I do not have a very good relationship, and it’s unfortunate. We’re working on it – at any rate I am, and I have the impression that he is too. And no, it doesn’t make me “nervous” when people vary from “ritual or routine”. But there is no good reason for a priest of the Roman Rite to start giving me the “Rite of Fr. So-and-so”. He has no authority to alter the sacraments

Anyway, I find it odd that you would take a complaint about a liturgical matter as a demonstration that I place “institutionalism” over “idealism”. The Catholic tradition has always stated that human rules must never get in the way of doing good. But I fail to see how a priest’s sloppiness in performing a richly traditional action PROMOTES doing good.

April 11, 2018

Still the only Shamalan movie I’ll watch.