excellence in ineptitude.

I recently wrote two poems which I posted on deviantART. The first, entitled “Another Bump in the Road” was a poem that was largely misunderstood. It was written in the first person with the speaker being an animal talking to the driver of the car that had just run it over. This poem was very popular, though mostly because it was largely misinterpreted to be the product of teenage angst. The second and in my opinion far superior poem was entitled “What of Tomorrow?” and was an examination of society’s continuing destruction of the worlds creative force (a common theme among my poetry). I felt the devices and general diction I used for this poem to be superior as well as the overall mechanics of the poem. This poem, however, received little-to-no recognition and remains largely unread.

I find it funny that in such an “art” community, true creativity and intelligence (if I may say so of my own work) would be ignored in favor of pop-alternative “I’m a digruntled teenager, so the entire world must die” cliches. Why is it that our society seems to reward redundant ineptitudes? Perhaps this is a reflection of an attitude that is not only apparent in art, but in society in general. Too often nowadays, new ideas are overlooked and followed in their stead are rehashings of popular themes. Our society is afraid to change, and seeks only to amass itself and eventually wipe itself out.

There is no life in a world that promotes death.

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RYN: Once again, you seem to be reading things into my words beyond what I said. I didn’t say anything about God striking anyone down. Altering the sacraments annoys me because 1) the changes nearly always impoverish the traditional form, 2) changes of sufficient magnitude call the validity of the sacrament into question, and 3) they are a breaking of the obedience owed by priests.

Also, what makes you so sure that the intention is the same? After all, sacraments operate only through union with the Church. Every sacrament presupposes the intent “to do what the Church does”. Simultaneously using a non-approved, “chatty” form in disobedience to authority could certainly call that intent into question.

“You must be the change you wish to see” -Gandhi 🙂 I think you’re doin’ a damn fine job.

April 11, 2018

Ah yes, here we have the tortured young poet seeking recognition on the internet.

There there, young smith. You’ll never become famous. And with good reason.