L, and how we broke up (Part 2 of the saga)

So at the time I found out I liked J I had a girlfriend. Let’s call her L. L and I had been dating for four months and things were starting to get awkward. But when I found out I had feelings for J, I was afraid to tell L. I wanted us to be friends, but I wanted us to still be friends, because losing her might trigger my PTSD from a past friendship. So I called her up one night

“Hi L, I just wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Okay, what’s up, Pyro?”

“I’ve been thinking…so do you know J?”

“Yeah, I’m terrified of him, what about him?”

“Well…I think we should see other people, and I think my other person should be J.”

“Thank GOD you said something!! I was started to lose faith in our relationship…can we still be friends?”

“Of course we can!”

So that’s our phone call. Things went well and now I’m single. But I like J, and can’t wait to write more about this! Follow for updates

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