All about me…(Pisces) with comments

My Family!


So I have been researching my zodiac sign again, like I do from time to time. It all started with trying to find some things to send to Rai on her birthday, but I got distracted by me. I found this website, which seriously describes me to a T and makes so much sense. I am such a typical Pisces, even being born so close to the cusp as I am. (the sign starts on the 22nd, I was born on the 25th)


I will paste this info in, and edit in another color….seriously…read this shit…especially if you know me…lol



Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and the end of the cycle of worldly experience. This is the sign of infinite compassion, sacrificial service, and vicarious suffering.

Pisces is the most physic and subtly inspirational Sign. It’s no wonder that sometimes you get the feeling that you are trapped between 2 worlds, sometimes to you it’s hard to tell which one is more real; reality or the world that is contained within you, which often reflects life in a more meaningful and profound way. (I do live in my little fantasy world, I live in my head,,,,completely…I talk to myself in my head all day long….sometimes I will be talking to someone and they will look at me funny…only to realize that I told them something in my head…not in reality)

Secretly you live for the moment when you will be given a chance to serve your fellow man in a awe-inspiring way of self-sacrifice, but unfortunately no matter how much you serve or give to others you remain dissatisfied with your efforts, and it’s something that people in this mystical sign have to learn to deal with.(Couldn’t be more true…I love to do things for others, but it never seems enough….I always feel there is so much more I can do)

This sun sign is dominated by the planet Neptune, the second to last planet of the solar system. Neptunes energy is so fine and “unworldly” that ordinary people find it hard to understand how a Pisces person thinks or feels. So other sun signs are inclined to call you dreamers and impossible idealists when what they mean is they don’t understand you. (I still wait to meet hte person that will truly understand me. Few care enough to try….everybody THINKS they know me, because they look at the simple uncomplex image I portray. Everybody is content to know that one dimensional me. Nobody looks beneath the layers. They take me at face value. Can’t wait til somebody delves deeper into the real me, and doesn’t run away scared.)

It can be very confusing to have Pisces as your sun sign. You are charming, good-hearted, sympathetic, helpful, pleasant to meet; yet dreamy, vague, inconsistent, emotional, sentimental, contradictory and excitable. You are versatile, quick to understand, methodical, intuitive and artistic; yet timid, shy, self-doubting, impractical and unrealistic.(Every word is me!!! Every last one of them. I tell people that too….that I am outgoing, yet shy…nothing but a ball of contradictions……happy…yet sad….suuuuper emotional….but not unhappy…..indecisive….oh yeah….welcome to me!!!!)

The Pisces Dilema

Which world? Which way? This is the classic Pisces dilema. It is represented by the Pisces symbol of the two Fishes tied together, one swimming upstream, and the other downstream. Fish don’t as a rule choose to swim downstream. It is the obvious easy way and the most dangerous. Fish require the dynamic stability created by swimming upstream.(LOL I’m a bisexual woman, living in both the lesbian world and the straight world…I don’t belong either place, yet I live comfortably in both. Most people assume I am lesbian or straight…and I am…both….lol I love individuals, not their sexual orientation….not their body parts…..(except feet…..puuuurrrrrr)

To go with the stream and drift blissfully unaware without direction, is the temptation of every true Pisces. Yet your destiny, your transcendence, lies in resisting these urges and desires. (Which I struggle with every day of my life….I love to go with the flow….I want to just let life happen, and go wherever the current takes me….but I want to make something of my life….I want to leave my mark….but gah…that takes work…..I know..everything worth having is worth fighting for….so I must resist the urge to just lose myself in the path thats easiest……)

You want to flee the conflict of life. Because of your extraordinary psychic and spiritual insights, you sincerely, but perhaps, unconsciously, question whether the struggle of life is worth it since all the results disappear in the end. (I have been known to question that very thing….I HATE conflict….all conflict….be it people fighting with one another, people fighting with me…I want to take the easy way out of everything….I LIKE to do whats easiest….the end result is always the same…)

The Upstream Pisces have no doubts about this. They enjoy their comfort and ease, perhaps even fame or respect. They are prepared to wade in and grind it out for them. But they have no intention of wearing themselves out in the doing. You Pisces people never exert yourselves one pinch more than is absolutely necessary. (This just made me giggle, cuz its sooooo true. We are lazy lazy individuals. But I am actually not like that. I mean, my basic makeup is….but I constantly push myself to do what needs to be done, whether I feel like it or not. I have a very strong sense of duty…..that saves me from a sloth-like existance)

Now, don’t get this wrong. Pisces will put itself out no end for others. You genuinely delight in being able to help them. You love to chat, entertain, do favors, advise, suggest. But focused mental or physical effort, no way! You get very bored with that, and even down in the dumps. (AYUP….like I said above…its true….unless I am doing it for someone else…I am content to live like a sloth…I am sooooo lazy. Others come first. I LOVE producing results..I love to make people happy….I love to make a difference. Thats actually my goal in life….to leave my mark…to make a difference….)

Pisces style is to employ others to do the hard work and you always pay for services, whether it be money, favors or kindness. Your conscience would torture you unbearably if you misused another person. (Very true!!!!! I always pay for services…yet I do mine for free)

But a typical Pisces swimming their way upstream is a manipulator of others; a puller of strings. You are shrewd, wily and artful, but not in a personally harmful way. You do your best not to hurt others. All you want is for them to dance to your beautiful music. (In my head worl

d, this is so true…but I don;t let that part of me transfer into the real world….I used to…but I never feel like I am good enough….creative enough….I’m just not ENOUGH… I don’t project onto others)

Pisces is full of brilliant and original ideas. You plant ideas secretly in the imagination of others and leave them to grow. You talk extravagantly about your schemes, you are smooth-talking, entertaining, amusing, and pleasant to listen to. Your stories are fascinating, spell-weaving and you are rarely short of an appreciative audience because you possess a magnetic quality and your enthusiasm can be contagious. (Enthusiasm I have….I have soooo many passions…and I do….I LOVE to talk about them. But when I talk, people tune me out. I tend to bore people. I don’t have that magical fascinating quality typical of Pisces. I can’t tell a story, can’t tell a joke. I just don’t possess tahat talent. As far as ideas tho…I do have wonderful ideas. If I could collaborate with someone who could tell a story….man would I have something to contribute…but a writer and storyteller I am not)

You are charming, polite, effusive and stoutly determined to get your way while you are riding a particular wave. Then when you have sufficient numbers running around on your behalf, blinded by Pisces moondust, you slump back into your comfortable chair—happy and exhasuted. And you dream. ( I am a dreamer…I just don’t possess the drive to actually accomplish what I dream of. I don’t have the self confidence to pull it off….I am not convinced I can do anything)

Dreaming (both daydreams and night dreams) is your favorite past time. In fact, your main interest in life is seeing if you can make your dreams come true. Most of your fantasies are so impossibly lofty or romantic and exaggerated that they remain only a form of personal entertainment. But you Pisces will work very hard to realize any dream that has a basis in reality.


Pisces daydreams are by no means vague, they are complete life stirring epics and are conjured up with a realism that can exceed the intensity and excitement of actual real life events. This may sound crazy to any other sign, but that’s the creative power of the almost-divine Neptunian imagination. You could easily spend all your time in this dream world of yours and be perfectly content; half the Pisces do. (I do….lol My dreams, even from the time I was a small child….were always SO real I could never tell if I was awake or asleep….I could always remember my dreams, until I actually opened my eyes, and then I would lose it. And they would always come true later…I would get the deja vu feeling. It got to the point, I would write them down, and then later, when I got that deja vu feeling….i would see if it was in my logs…and it always always was….Sometimes my dreams were fun-filled and silly, sometimes, I would write letters, and poems, and stories in my head. I have such a way with words in my head. Unfortunately, that too rarely transforms into the real world.)

But if you an Upstream swimmer, something in you insists that you attempt to make your dreams come true. But the problem to you is making your dreams become reality is dull by comparison of dreaming them, kind of like reading a book a second time.

And it involves striving and worrying, 2 of the things you hate. Things never work out exactly as you dreamed them up either, so it’s not surprising that you lose interest quickly in projects. (I DO!!!!!!!!! I always like to start things, and I never finish them. LOL Stories, puzzles, projects, What starts out as a grand adventure always seems to fizzle out if I don’t have somebody to help me stay motivated)

The progressive Pisces is a fairly rare Fish. Most Pisces just manage to keep pace against the flow of the current of life. They depend very much on others. They often attach themselves to stronger personalities who respect them for, among other things, their remarkable intuitive abilities. These range from seeing through a person instantly on first meeting to apprehending the dangers in a certain course of action. These individuals may not be impressive in practical matters. (Very true…I do prefer stronger personalities…because I like to be told what to do…I like for my decisions to be made for me. I don’t crave or desire too much free will. Let me make my own decisions, just be there to offer plenty of suggestions lol )

They are happy and efficient enough working to method where the detail has been worked out and no major decisions have to be made, but when burdened with responsibility, their conduct of affairs may be quite ludicrous. In tandem with the right partner they will often be highly esteemed for their ability to come up with a creative idea or insight just when it’s most needed. Because these people are incredibly perceptive. (Its like the writer of this article knows me!!!!)

Pisces possesses the most incredible ability to create in the human mind the illusion of personal action and acceptable performance when absolutely nothing effective is being done. The many Pisces who drift with the current and live aimless lives are fairly pathetic individuals. Being basically very attractive and likable, they invariably find someone to lean on. As soon as they do, they give up trying completely and sink into a morass of bemused dreaming, introspection or self-pity. They talk about perfection but make no overt effort to achieve it.

A favorite Pisces trick when being sympathetically encouraged toward a positive or creative pursuit is to go along enthusiastically with all the preparations and to balk at the very last seconf. Any excuse or device will be used to justify dropping out, including feigning illness, blaming another person, an incredible emotional outburst, complete with torrents of tears and hysteria.

Negative Pisces men and women are enormously devious when covering up for their lack of performance. It is impossible to pin them down with logic or reason. They desperately surround themselves with red herrings. While insisting that they only want to be truthful, they lie and scheme with astonishing blindness to their own hypocrisy. These individuals project all their fears, fantasies and antipathies onto their “protector” or the one closet to them.

The person they love the most they hurt the most, lurching in wild temperamental mood swings from adoration and gratitude to reproach and despair. These poor Fish, who have yet to learn to cope with their own ambivalent natures, impose tremendous strain on those they live with.

The uncertainty produced by having no direction they can identify with often drives Pisces to drink or drugs. Pisces has an addictive side to their personality and these stimulants, while dissolving their feelings of vulnerability and anxiety, extract a terrible price. After the trip the person plunges even deeper into depression with nauseating self-pity or self-condemnation. Another form o

f destructive escape for this type of Pisces is to ride too high emotionally on daydreams. The troughs of despair and despondency have a habit of equaling the peaks of delight.







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