Went to vote today


I figured up today that this is the 9th presidential election that I have voted in. I’ve never been a solid Democrat or Republican; it’s varied from election to election. I even voted for John Anderson in 1980. Remember him?   My husband didn’t believe that I did that, but I wasn’t pleased with either the Democrats or the Republicans that year.
I have a lot of ambivalence about this election also; there are parts of both candidates that I am impressed with & parts that I am not. If we could mix them up together & squish out a new man, we might have a pretty good thing! 
I went with Julie to vote & we timed it right; there was only one person in front of us. Julie is so disgusted with so many of her peers for their apathy towards politics – either they don’t care, or they use the excuse that “my vote doesn’t matter anyway”. But our kids grew up listening to us discuss politics & probably lots of young people didn’t. 

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